Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Solid Waste Management Case Study In Bristol Environmental Sciences Essay

The direction of Municipal Solid Waste ( MSW ) is a major environmental crisis throughout of the World, which everyone is concerned about. In the United Kingdom, the measure of municipal waste has increased and 46.9 per cent of the sum collected waste has disposed of in landfill in 2009/10 ( DEFRA, 2010b ) . In comparing, the Netherlands and Denmark have disposed of about no municipal waste to landfill and other members of European Unit of measurements such as Germany and Sweden have less than a one-fourth of municipal waste to landfill ( DEFRA, 2010b ) . Therefore, the UK Government published Waste Strategy for England 2007 on 24th May 2007 in order to run into EU scheme and set out a sustainable method for hierarchy of waste direction options within clime alteration and population growing. The cardinal ends of the scheme are to put out a design for waste bar, decrease, re-use, recycling and recovery and bettering environmental and economic results through increased recycling of res ources and recovery of energy from residuary waste utilizing a mix of engineerings. There are some actions of the proposal scheme outlined, for illustration, energy from waste is expected to account for 25 % of municipal waste by 2020 compared to 10 % in 2007 and the standard rate of landfill revenue enhancement addition by eight lbs per twelvemonth from 2008 until at least 2010/11 ( DEFRA, 2010c ) . As a consequence, it is necessary to put up a assortment of waste intervention for recovery stuff in the UK, such as Mechanical Biological Treatment ( MBT ) and Energy from Waste ( EfW ) . There is no uncertainty that a figure of local governments face major challenges when they manage residuary waste sustainably. Take Bristol for illustration, 59 % of waste has been sent to landfill and 40 % has been recycled or composted in 2009/10 ( DEFRA, 2010d ) . Harmonizing to Bristol City Council ( 2000 ) , 100,000 metric tons of family waste will stay to be treated if 40 % waste is recycled or composted. Therefore, the council wants to do a 25 old ages Residual Waste Management Contract with company to handle 100,000 metric tons of Residual MSW by one of three options which include MBT with composting or anaerobiotic digestion and Energy from Waste. In this paper, the environmental impacts of each option will be assessed in order to happen a sustainable method for residuary waste direction i n Bristol. Furthermore, some comparative extenuation steps and redress attacks for chose option will be mentioned, concentrating cardinal issues of development and land renovation after 25 old ages.2. The Description of Development and SiteBristol metropolis council aims to put up a waste intervention works in the metropolis in order to non merely run into their recycling demands but besides make expeditiously retrieve value from the residuary waste produced. There is no uncertainty that a hundred thousand metric tons of rubbish send to the new workss for processing in the coming old ages instead than dumping it in landfill sites. The possible possible site is assumed as antecedently used land which locates in the chief industrial estate ( Avonmouth ) in the northern portion of Bristol. It would by and large be preferred in planning footings, as no new land would be used and contaminated land restored. In add-on, the installation has good transit substructure, which consequences fro m closely primary route web and instead rail entree. Figure 1 shows some possible antecedently land in the possible country, which have several big chemical fabrication workss and besides has a important residential country in Avonmouth between the industrialized zone and the M5 expressway. Furthermore, a big graduated table of green sites and H2O organic structure around the false site.Figure 1. The Potential Site for Waste Treatment Plant in Bristolalll sites.jpg ( Beginning: Google Map ) There are three possible options including MBT utilizing composting ( In Vessel Composting ) or anaerobiotic digestion ( AD ) or EfW provided in following inside informations. The local waste scheme officers assume that: 100,000 tonne residuary MSW will be treated ; the elaborate value of intervention for each option is described in Figure 2 ;Figure 2. The Value of Waster Treatment Processassorted recyclates are deserving on mean ?50/tonne ; all workss operate 90 % of the 8760 hours in a twelvemonth ; both digestate and compost are disposed to landfill at the full revenue enhancement rate ; nevertheless, the digestate is charged the full dispose cost, compost is disposed for free ; bottom ash can be processed and used as a secondary sum, doing net income at ?5/tonne ; gas cleansing residues are risky waste and landfilled at ?100/ metric ton plus landfill revenue enhancement at ?48/tonne ; electricity from AD is deserving ?135/MWh, electricity from EfW and In Vessel Composting is deserving ?60/ MWh.3. Introduction of Three Processing Options for the Residual Municipal Solid Waste ManagementThis subdivision focuses on debut of the procedure and principals of three options including In Vessel Composting, Anaerobic Digestion and Energy from Waste. MBT chiefly follow two procedures including mechanical sorting and biological procedure. Mechanical sorting is to screen ‘mechanical ‘ component such as metal, plastics, glass & A ; paper, which is made by manus and is a basic procedure in both composting and anaerobiotic digestion. However, the biological procedures are different because of the assortment of intervention principals. Anaerobic digestion, which is the biological intervention of organic waste without O, utilise microbic activity to interrupt down the waste in a controlled environment with mesophilic and thermophlic digestion and bring forth biogas ( e. g. Methane and Carbon Dioxide ) and digestate at the same clip. In Vessel Composting is an enclosed compost system and is the intervention of organic affair with aerophilic micro-organism to bring forth a mixture of stable humic substances and inorganic works food ( Agrivert, 2010 ) . In comparing with AD, there is no green energy produced through the system, hence, the excess energy will be used in the procedures. Energy from Waste is process incorporation the thermic decomposition of the waste include waste response and storage, burning system, heat recovery, fluke gas cleansing, power coevals and procedure control and proctor. Compared with MBT, EfW can disposal of all types of waste without other pre-treatment and the temperature has a minimal demand of 850oC for 2 seconds ( March, 2010a ) . Additionally, incineration offers a farther option for the intervention of residuary MSW and is already proved and bankable engineering in the UK with 26 EfW workss ( March, 2010a ) . Howeve r, there is no incineration in Bristol at the minute.4. Environmental Impacts Assessment of Three Processing OptionsIn order to accomplish the UK authorities ‘s cardinal ends and Bristol waste scheme, appraisal of the environmental and economic impacts of each processing option should be undertaken in the undermentioned subdivision. Local installations of waste intervention would supply much local employment chances. Furthermore, the figure of statute law and planning policy consisting international, national and local policy will besides be introduced to do certain the sustainable development. Therefore, this subdivision focal point on the cardinal issues of waste intervention options such as air emanations / wellness effects, dust / smell, noise, H2O resources, ocular invasion and public concern. Harmonizing to analysis of environmental impact appraisal, one of the options will be identified as the Best Practicable Environmental Option for Bristol City Council.4.1 Planning P olicy and ContextI ) International PolicyThe European Union has instigated a scope of Directives at a European degree that should be suited for each EU member and transposed into national Torahs in order to follow the local environment. The undermentioned International policies provide the European model for Waste applicable to the United Kingdom. aˆ? European Community ( EC ) Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC ; aˆ? EC Framework Directive for Waste 75/442/EEC as amended by 91/156/EEC ; aˆ? Waste Incineration Directive 2000/76EC ( WID ) .two ) National PolicyThe Waste Strategy for England ( 2007 ) sets out the Government ‘s vision for sustainable waste direction. The cardinal aims and marks of the scheme are to cut down the sum of waste produced and increase the rate of recovery of municipal waste. There are besides some other statute law created to accomplish the mark in the followers: Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme ( LATS ) ; Planing Policy Guidance Notes ( PPG ) and Planing Policy Statements ( PPS ) ; Planing Policy Statement 1 ( PPS1 ) : Delivering Sustainable Development ( 2005 ) ; Planing and Climate Change ( PCC ) : The intent is to put out how climate alteration considerations should be taken into history at different phases of the planning procedure. Planing Policy Statement 10 ( PPS 10 ) : Planing for Sustainable Waste Management. During Annex E of PPS 10, the chief factors have been taken into history by waste planning governments when proving the suitableness of a site for waste direction intents.three ) Regional and Local Planning PolicyPlaning policies for Bristol are set out in the Statutory Development Plan which includes the undermentioned paperss ( South Gloucestershire Council, 2010 ) : Regional Planning Guidance for the South West ( RPG10 ) ( September 2001 ) Joint Replacement Structure Plan ( as saved ) ( September 2002 ) Bristol Local Plan ( as saved ) ( 1997 ) Regional Planning Guidance for the South West ( RPG10 ) ( 2001 ) RPG10 comprises the Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West and the Regional Transport Strategy, and purpose to run into sustainable development in footings of environment, economic system and society.4.2 Anaerobic DigestionIn footings of biodegradable waste either by anaerobiotic digestion or by composting MBT engineerings helps to cut down the part of nursery gases to minmise the impacts of planetary heating. IPPC ( 2010 ) stated that AD engineering for assorted homogeneous waste watercourses is widely proven in Europe, but there are no full graduated table workss in operation in the UK on municipal derived wastes. Therefore, environmental and economic impacts should be assessed in order to develop installations at nowadays.4.2.1 Environmental impactsAs we all know that anaerobiotic digestion is wholly enclosed system, which may cut down environmental impacts. As it may accomplish a cardinal purpose of the landfill Directive and cut down organic wastes from landfill which redu ces the production of landfill gas and leachates. Although the installation has pollution control engineering in order to command the sustainable processes non merely for the company but besides for the populace, each development has some relevant impacts on air, H2O resources and local occupants. For illustration, odour emanations should be released during stuff handling and other air emanation ( Methane ) would be release during the procedure. This may impact the local life status if the pollution will non be controlled and ocular invasion, plagues and noise jobs. In order to foretell how smell will be transported, some information such as meteoric conditions ( e.g. , wind velocity and way, temperature, and inversion conditions ) in the proposal site can be obtained from a local conditions station. Furthermore, taint of concluding merchandise is frequently hard to avoid, which means digestate from residuary MSW connot be used for nutrient growth ; lone regeneration of contaminated land or landfill screen ( McKendry 2010 ) . Therefore, AD besides has somewhat negative impacts on environment during the handling and procedures of the installation. Harmonizing to Figure 2, net energy ( 0.5 MWe ) will be produced for National Grid, which besides can salvage energy and cut down environmental pollution from power coevals. To sum up, compared with no waste intervention in Bristol, AD is a better environmental practical option for waste recovery and besides can accomplish the UK cardinal mark.4.2.2 Economic impactsIt requires comprehensive pre-processing of the waste or beginning separation and larger digestion armored combat vehicles as it does non handle the whole Municipal Solid Waste watercourse but may be used on residuary municipal waste watercourse with contaminations rejected as portion of the procedure. Therefore, AD is more capital intensive than composting and cost more for landfill revenue enhancement. Furthermore, the end product of digestates is by and large risky and set to landfill, which will besides be more for the procedure than production from composting. However, compared with composting, energy should be produced and is deserving ?532,170 which is less than net income of net energy from EfW ( Figure 3 ) . Person ( City and County of Swansea, 2011 ) references that AD is comparatively low capital costs compared to most thermic procedures. On the other manus, anaerobiotic digestion has non adequate net income which created from byproducts compared to EfW ( Figure 3 ) . In footings of economic system, anaerobiotic digestion is the secondary pick in three waste direction options for Bristol.Figure 3. The Analysis of Input and Output of Economy in Proposed Waste Treatment PlantAnaerobic Digestation In Vessel Composting Energy from Waste Input signal 2,380,000 ( Landfill ) 1,564,000 ( Digestate )–2,040,000 ( Landfill ) 2,880,000 ( Compost )–408,000 ( Landfill )–888,000 ( Gas Cleaning ) End product Net income 1,500,000 ( Recyclates )–532,170 ( Net Energy ) i1,911,830 1,500,000 ( Recyclates )–i473,040 ( Net Energy ) i3,893,040 375,000 ( Recyclates ) 185,000 ( Bottom Ash ) 3,784,320 ( Net Energy ) 3,048,3204.3 In Vessel CompostingActually, this engineering has merely had limited experience in the UK ; nevertheless, it is quickly increasing in figure due to recent statute law of waste direction such as Landfill Directive. The advantage of In-Vessel Composting is that the procedures are more controlled and can be designed to accomplish specified temperatures of facilitate bacteriums devastation.4.3.1 Environmental impactsComposting can cut down volume of organic waste fraction of MSW by 25-50 % and minmise landfill rate ( IPPC, 2010 ) , which avoid environmental pollution ( Landfill gas and leachate ) similar with AD. However, some possible smell and leachate besides should be produced, which can ensue in air and H2O resources may be polluted to some extent. Although it is suited for green and kitchen waste, it is possible of co-composting operations with other waste watercourses such as paper, sewerage sludge ( IPPC, 2010 ) . On the other manus, it requires careful beginning se gregation of farther station or intervention as sensitive taint of glass and plastics. Furthermore, in comparing with other options, In Vessel composting has no energy end product and need excess energy for operation, which will impact more issues from power coevals such as air pollution. It is similar with AD that the development is non bad for ecosystem and ocular direction as the proposed site is antecedently used land which may be contaminated or brownfield site. The engineering has a greater ability to command air pollution emanations than mass burn EfW in theory, but this has non yet been demonstrated in pattern in the UK ( Environment Agency, 2010 ) .4.3.2 Economic impactsAlthough the capital cost is non rather expensive than Energy from Waste, the balance of input and end product of waste intervention procedure is wholly different than other options. Harmonizing to Figure 3, the developer or authorities should put more money for rejected waste to landfill and extra energy ( ?473,040 ) , which means the net incomes of recyclates can non do certain the continuously procedure of operation. Therefore, in footings of economic facet, this engineering is non suited for the UK cardinal sustainable development mark and is the worst option.Energy from WasteIn the UK, Energy from waste has a peculiarly hapless public image and has been problematic by environmental groups on the evidences of sensed wellness impacts from emanations to air. Combustion of residuary MSW can bring forth or let go of C dioxide and other nursery gases. Hence C emanations should to be considered in footings of composing of the residuary waste watercourse, the type of energy produced ( heat and/or power ) and the overall generating efficiency of the installation.4.4.1 Environmental impactsCompared with other options, EfW can disposal of a assortment of waste without restriction and pre-treatment required. However, dust job may be within the waste response hall or drawn into the furnace. Fu rthermore, there is a WID emanation restriction and air quality criterions regulated in order to command the air emanation particularly greenhouse gases from mills. The advantage of this engineering is that the province of the art of pollution control engineering is completed for planetary usage. In add-on, energy recovery includes Combined Heat and Power ( CHP ) workss and chance for territory warming programmes. However, the temperature is non easy to command during the operation processes, which may impact the efficiency of residue quality and disposal when burning is non completed. Although EfW can decide waste to landfill and emission decrease ( methane ) from landfill and residuary waste, which to some extent may turn to clime alteration, air pollution of EfW is more important than other options ( Hong, 2010 ) . The WID emanation bounds to air shows day-to-day mean emanations limit from incineration in the followers ( Veolia, 2011 ) : Dust ( Particulates ) 10mg/m3 Entire Organic Carbon 10mg/m3 Hydrogen Chloride 10mg/m3 Carbon Monoxide 50mg/m3 Sulphur Dioxide 50mg/m3 Oxides of Nitrogen 200mg/m3 Harmonizing to Figure 2, the figure of waste can be combusted and bottom ash can be used for building applications, which reduces the measure necessitating landfill disposal to under 10 % of the feedstock mass ( IPPC, 2010 ) . In comparing with others, 8MWe net energy should be produced and present inexpensive heat and power either to the National Grid or local users. On the other manus, it besides save more energy and cut down pollution from power coevals workss. EfW is non long term liability installation, therefore, local EfW would supply the best planetary solution for Bristol depending on the Life Cycle Assessment. Furthermore, the impacts of ocular, plagues and noise and ecosystem are similar and related to other waste direction options and with proper planning can be minimized to acceptable degrees. As for the ocular impacts, the undermentioned factors should be considered: direct consequence on landscape by remotion of points such as trees ; potency of an exhaust stack associ ated with air clean up systems ; testing characteristics and graduated table of vehicles accessing site.4.4.2 Economic impactsThere is no uncertainty that EfW is one of the high capital costs engineering, nevertheless, it besides create net net incomes from the procedures. Harmonizing to Figure 3, although, gas cleansing remainders are risky wastes and landfilled at ?148 per metric ton, the installation can make ?3,048,320 net net income from operation system except the capital investing, which including ?185,000 income from bottom ash, ?3,784,320 net income from electricity and ?375,000 worth from recyclates. Therefore, EfW is the best option for waste intervention for Bristol in footings of economic system compared to other options. On the other manus, the installation will blow more investing and energy during the procedure stopped when there is no adequate waste for burning procedure.4.5 DrumheadIn drumhead, each option may accomplish the UK and local waste direction and recycli ng mark and to some extent cut down waste and air emanation such as methane and C. However, in footings of sustainable development which related to economic, societal and environmental facets, each option has its ain disadvantages and advantages. As for economic system except the capital investing, Energy from Waste can do more net income in 25 old ages than MBT utilizing Composting or Anaerobic Digestion. Although air emanation from EfW is more important than other options, EfW has been used for a long clip and is bettering or extenuating more sustainable engineerings to avoid the negative impacts on environment. It is true that Energy from waste has a peculiarly hapless public image ; nevertheless, public attitude will be changed within the state of affairs altering. Therefore, Energy from Waste is the best value options for Bristol City Council to make the waste intervention mark and follow sustainable development.5. Extenuation Measures and Remediation ApproachEnergy from Waste is the Best Practicable Environmental Option for Bristol waste direction programme based on Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) . As we all know that each option has its restriction, EfW is besides a instance in point. EIA states that the efficiency of burning, air emanation ( flue gas emanation and cleansing ) and public image are the chiefly important issues of EfW installation execution for Bristol. Furthermore, the land Restoration after usage should be considered at the beginning of building in order to be able to utilize every bit sustainable as possible. Extenuation steps should take to avoid, cut down, or rectify any important inauspicious effects that a proposed development is predicted to bring forth. First of wholly, because it is a smaller scale EfW workss, it is better to maximise the range for covering with hazard events and other possible inauspicious impacts. Furthermore, more information qualitative and quantitative appraisal of impacts such as meteoric conditio ns and ambient air quality should be collected for the following deepness appraisal. The recommended extenuation step for efficiency of burning is to utilize more effectual techniques. For illustration, the techniques such as Flue Gas Recirculation ( FGR ) can command the uncomplete burning in order to increase efficiency and to cut down the flow rate of pollutant emanations ( Liuzzo, 2007 ) . In add-on, the chimney should be high plenty to supply equal bill of exchange and to dispatch the merchandises without doing local sir pollution. There are besides some methods to increase positive public image, such as heightening propaganda or media spread and bettering instruction. The hazard direction including accident management/plan and security safeguard besides should be undertaken to avoid the wellness and safety of employees. As for the hereafter development after usage, the land should be careful managed to avoid possible risky constituents released into the land whether it is current contaminated or non ( McKendry, 2010 ) . The first recommendation purposes to used less penetrability stuffs for land building and cut down pollutants released. Furthermore, the regular clean up system is recommended to roll up the residuary waste during transporting system and clean up the soiled country such as oil let go ofing sites. Contaminated Land Management Regulation indicates that the defiler or proprietor has responsible to cover with pollution if the land will be contaminated by human activities. In my position, the proposal site is difficult to alter to an eco-green site after development, therefore, it is better to develop as commercial or industrial usage in the hereafter.6. DecisionIn decision, Environmental Impact Assessment of Anaerobic Digestion, In Vessel Composting and Energy from Waste were analysed in this paper in order to happen out one of the best sustainable development for Bristol and besides achieve the UK cardinal ends for waste direction. It is surely that each option has both negative and positive impacts on environment and economic system. The chief purpose of them is to cut down waste sent to landfill and accomplish the UK waste direction mark ; moreover, they besides have same impacts on environment such ac ocular invasion, public image, possible contaminated land after usage and air pollution. However, the important impacts of installations are different in different engineerings ; for illustration, odour emanation is more important during anaerobiotic digestion attack, ocular invasion, public image and air emanation is more important for Energy from Waste, and energy usage and smell and leachate are important in composting procedure. In footings of economic system, EfW is the best option with highest net net incomes during the procedure ; on the other manus, In Ves sel Compost is the worst attack because of excess energy supply. At the last, EfW has been chose to handle residuary Municipal Solid Waste with the extra extenuation steps in Bristol, which consequences in the development is non merely suited for international, national and local scheme but besides meet the Best Practicable Environmental Option which is sustainable and integrated in the farther development.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Business Environment Essay

Business environment refers to the conditions prevailing in a society in which a business is to be operated. It is defined as the total of all things external to business firms and industries, which effect their organization and operation. The number and scope of environmental factors, which effect business, is broad. There should be included all aspects of our social, scientific, economic, political and cultural life which have some bearing upon business. Relationship of Environment to Business To understand fully the nature of business, its structure, its organization and its behavior, one must look not only at the business properly, but also at the environment within which business operates. More specifically, this means that business exists in surroundings external to its direct or operating components of firms and industries. The significant elements of environment for a business house comprise persons, physical resources and climate, economic and market conditions, altitudes and laws of the land. These elements effect the course of action of the company. Business and its environment interact. In our business-oriented society, business has influenced environmental conditions probably as much as or even more than environmental forces have shaped business. The firm depends upon its environmental conditions for the resources and opportunities necessary for its existence. The environment determines the limits of the firms’ activities. The environment contributes valuable resources to the business firm only if the firm provides the desired goods or services to the environment. A firm must look to public needs and attitudes remain sensitive to human values and alert to the social set up. Good businesses, therefore, are always responsive to the total environment in which they operate. Economic Environment Business is greatly influenced by the economy of the country. Its operational success depends upon an adjustment and meeting the requirements of the economy. The important factors that are to be looked into and effectively handled are: 1. Desires, Customers and Markets The purpose of business is to anticipate desires of people and purpose goods and services accordingly to satisfy them. Let these goods and services so produced be carried effectively to the place of customers. But it is not possible unless businessman produces them at proper time and makes them available to customers at reasonable price. Hence, timing of production and reasonable price. Hence, timing of production and reasonable price of products are important considerations. Further, the intensity of competition existing in the market and the degree of marketing strategies to be adopted also are important points to be considered by a business entrepreneur. 2. Availability Businessmen must assess the source or sources of capital as well as the cost at which it is available. For a developing country like ours, obtaining capital is not so easy. It is definitely a problem as its availability depends upon will and capacity of people to save and invest, existence of good capital and money market, and economic and financial policy of the government etc. 3. Availability of Labour Operational efficiency of a business enterprise greatly depends upon the availability of labour at a reasonable price. If such manpower in the shape of skilled and unskilled workers is sufficiently available to a business according to its requirement and within reasonable wage rate, it can carry on its activities and expect profit. But to get workers at right time and at right price is not so easy. There are many factors that influence their availability. 4. Level of Productivity Productivity at a reasonable level depends upon how the activities are planned, organized, directed and controlled. The use of the latest production techniques, machines, manpower, and motivation and techniques of people to work sincerely and devotedly are some of the requirements to achieve the desired level of productivity. 5. Imaginative Entrepreneurship The success of an entrepreneur depends upon the quality of his imagination and skill. More he is intelligent, imaginative, and farsighted, more he is effective in grabbing the opportunity and playing his role in the economic growth and betterment of people. 6. Qualified and Capable Manager The competent role of managers has greatly improved the efficiency of work operation, reduced cost and enhanced capability to face challenge of competition. The science of management is undergoing a fast improvement in the light of research, study, experiences and observation. Every business enterprise is struggling to avail the benefit of intelligent, qualified, and competent managers. 7. Market Size Market size of a business depends upon its production policy and programme. If its production target is limited, it will have a small market. On the other hand, if it has a large-scale production programme, it has to expand its market. Such business enterprises even go to international markets. Desire to expand the size of market causes them to adopt new marketing strategies and planned efforts to go as deep to different places as possible and create as many customers as it could be. 8. Price Levels and Inflation In case if price level is changing fast, it becomes difficult for a business enterprise to plan its activities that would ensure a reasonable gain. Changing price, levels make the cost of capital, production, distribution, and profit unpredictable and uncertain. But still then we find entrepreneurs coming up with fair guess and estimation to make their business operate with better results and survive the vagaries of changing price levels and inflation. 9. Government Fiscal and Monetary Policy Government collects revenue through taxes, duties, fees etc, and spends the same on administration, public utilities like roads, bridges, canals, buildings, hospitals etc. Greater burden of taxes imposed by the government on people may reduce their ability to save and could affect investment climate. Similarly, monetary policy, which influences supply of money within the country, does also have its impacts on business activities. Central Bank of the country as controller of credit plays its role to regulate money supply together with the government. Social and Cultural Environment Businesses produce goods and services for people who dwell in the society. Thus the number of people, their age and educational composition has great significance for business. What a person buys or the service he consumes is a reflection of his religious and cultural constraints. Thus the cultural religious and ethnic pressures have a vital bearing on the affairs of the business. 1. Population Growth for a businessman, population growth presents both opportunities and problems. Opportunities arise from the fact that there are continually more consumers to buy business output and more workers to produce and sell it. Problems are caused by the fact that as more people want and need jobs, businesses must make them available otherwise the society will have to face the menace of unemployment. 2. Population Composition (a) Age-Wise Composition Different age groups have different demands. Young people are interested in automobiles, musical instruments, sport equipments etc. Older people may be interest in medical care and health, food etc. (b) Education Standard An illiterate population can be easily deceived. Gone are the days of the sellers society. The society where consumers are educated is the buyers society. People can well judge between good and bad and reap the economies of modern technology. (c) Economic Standards Higher income people can afford to satisfy tastes that people of lower incomes cannot. Thus when the medium family income increases, the market for business products and services also expands. (d) Changing Job Opportunities With increased investment in human resources, the opportunities to improve labour productivity are enhanced. The occupational shifts have been towards professional, technical, managerial jobs and in service industries. The opportunities for farm workers, craftsmen, machine operators etc, is declining substantially. 3. Social Attitudes and Beliefs Businesses have to take into account the attitudes, desires, beliefs, tastes, problems and customs of the consumers. These aspects vary in individuals, groups and even nations. Americans hold attitudes like respect for all individuals, strong regard for education, faith in science and technology, belief in innovation, belief in competition, belief in an environment cleansed of air and water pollution, lovable communities with decent housing, safe streets, efficient transportation, educational and cultural opportunities. Such social beliefs have a considerable impact on business climate. 4. Pluralism The society is broken down into many kinds of groups’ consumers, investors, labour organizations, managers, government’s bureaucrats and politicians, religious groups, racial groups etc. In everything that business managers do, they must be alert to this pluralistic feature of the society. While the existence of so many interest groups tends to complicate business operations, they constitute a major safeguard against dominance of the society by any single interest group. Technological Environment There has always been a strong link between business and technology. Any business that wishes to survive in a changing world must be aware of the modern technological changes and also use technology to develop and modernize its products or services, to meet cost competition and to improve marketing. The alert businessman must not only be aware o technological changes affecting his operations and his customs, he needs to forecast the state of the art so that he will have time to use it successfully before he finds his products or processes obsolete. This he must also do so that he is the first one to put up a new product at the suitable time in the market and not lag behind which will be a degrading position in the world of competition. Political Environment Political environment has a great impact on the establishment, operation, growth and expansion of business. Stable political climate makes things more certain and predictable. Businessman fined themselves in a better position to estimate future and plan their business. In other worlds, greater is the political stability, better may be the opportunity for successful business. That is the reason why we often witness flight of capital from the country where there is political instability or where policy of government frequently changes. Legal Environment Every business is encircled by the laws, regulations, and court decisions of the land. Almost each and every decision made by a businessman should be within the permissible limits of laws and regulations of the country. He should know that his action or decision might be subjected to a challenge in the court of law. Thus all decisions and steps should be within the framework of the law of the land. This success depends upon how he meets all legal requirements. We know that in certain cases rules and regulations may be burdensome. But they all aim at creating an atmosphere that is best suited to good conduct of business and protect the interests of customers and workers as well. Social Responsibility in Business A large part of an organization’s response to its environment is called SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. â€Å"Social Responsibility has been defined as the organization’s obligation to take actions that protect and improve the welfare of the society as a whole, along with advancing its own interests.† Basically business is said to possess this responsibility because of its extreme power to influence societal conditions.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Canadian Museum of Nature Web Analysis Essay Example for Free

Canadian Museum of Nature Web Analysis Essay The Canadian Museum of Nature’s website is an average piece of work that gathers audience from both English and French speaking individuals. The museum’s Web presence is elegant and simple to use, clearly separating the English segment from the French segment to allow easier navigation throughout the site, which, considering the size and diversity of the system it represents, makes you wonder how the designers and creators managed to pull it off in such a simple way. Rhetorical Design The Canadian Museum of Nature’s website is intended to promote the museum’s products and services on offer at the museum among English speaking and French speaking tourists. Almost anyone visiting this website is most likely looking for information about a certain service or item relating to natural history and tourism, so it is safe to state that the primary audience for this website are nature lovers and tourists wishing to visit Canada or local Canadians looking for a place just to have a good time enjoying the marvels of nature. However, there is something for everyone in this website. Even for those who don’t intend to visit the museum but want to win something, there’s a photo contest section on the home page that might serve to draw more traffic to the site. This enhances the possibility of attracting more members to join in the course of the museum. The website also has links that connect to 5 of their other websites, basically to diversify and exert their web and market presence in the field of nature. The context of the website explores the versatility of the Canadian Museum of Nature’s Internal organization and products and services offered by the museum. Information on the home page is divided into eleven primary categories: Calendar of activities, visitor information, teacher zone, about the museum, renewal, exhibitions, polar year, collections, research, library and products & services. The site also has quick links on shopping, becoming a member, donating to the cause, staff, press room and there is also a link for visitors to post comments and questions to the staff. All these information is carefully and strategically placed on the page to allow for easy navigation and still leaves a lot of space on the site. Congested sites tend to be an eye sore to the readers, but as for this one, no one has to worry about having to go through dozens of information to get to what you’re looking for. Interface Design The entire website is filled with photos of animals and artifacts of natural history which blends in very well with the overall theme of the website. Each page contains at least three amazing photos that keep the visitor glued to the website, even if just for the photos. Actually, come to think of it, the website contains very little text, it is only the overall design and beautiful photos that keep visitors busy on the site since there’s nothing much to read from the website. The home page contains very clear navigational links on the left hand side of the page to other sections of the website with its interface being simple, consistent and functional. However, due to the limited amount of information on the website, the interface does not provide sufficient feedback and does not have a real time visitor – support staff dialog system. Visitors have to leave a message on the contact us section and wait for an unknown amount of time for a feedback. All pages contain site navigation links. Site Design Text on the website is aligned to the left side of the screen, which is very effective for both the new and ordinary users of the site. The design of the site reflects the basic hierarchical organization of the Canadian Museum of Nature. From the home page, links to other major divisions can be easily accessed from the left hand corner; with each major hyperlink having a page that directs the user to other major sub-divisions; which leads the user to the exact information that can best satisfy the user’s specific need. The information on the pages, although minimal, gives a clear understanding of the basic intention of the site owners. The home page contains links to virtually everything someone would be looking for within the website. On the top right hand corner of the site, there’s an appropriately placed site index which is very helpful in the navigation of the website. The site relies heavily on indexes as it is virtually impossible to find what you looking for without linking to a page that contains the sort of information that will be of help to the visitor. Page Design The web pages in this site are designed for users with 15 inch monitors. Since navigation throughout the site relies heavily on the site index and table of contents, the pages reveal a consistent visual hierarchy. The designers of this site rely on museum’s logo on each page as a header to constantly remind the user that they are still on the site, although the site could use the inclusion of a table on the calendar of activities segment to help the reader cut to the chase and find the exact thing he’s looking for instead of browsing through the links. Typography Only three font types have been used throughout the website, in order to make it neat at professional-like, with Verdana being the outstanding one. Coupled with a white background and text that are aligned to the left side of the page, the pages are full of life and bring out the message in a rather natural and easy way. Editorial Style The text in this site is brief and exact to the point even though it doesn’t cover entirely everything a visitor would most likely want to know about. The site does not use titles or subtitles as it contains functional links that act as titles. Graphics & Multimedia The website is fairly simple and does not contain a lot of graphics – only nature photos, which are significant in building the theme of the site – and absolutely no audio, video, animation or multimedia of any sort and therefore it makes it easy for the pages to load faster, even with slower internet connectivity. Overall Impression To sum it up, the website has a fairly simple design. The fact that only three font types have been used in the entire site makes it easy to read through without straining . It is most likely to attract twice as much attention and traffic since it is written in two languages with clear and large enough text. Also, it appeals to its audience due to the fact that it has incorporated exquisite photos of what’s on offer at the museum and there’s also the constant use of the color green, which is a symbol of nature. The green color is likely to blend in with the visitor’s impression of the museum. What I liked most about this website is its simple yet comprehensive design and the fact that it is written for a much more broader audience i. e. the English and French. However, the website is too shallow and doesn’t have enough information for visitors. This makes new visitors to the site dig deeper than the site in order to find information that’s featured in the website. On a general point of view, the website can be rated â€Å"Average†. Canadian Museum of Nature Web Analysis. (2017, Mar 15).

Hedging Equity Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hedging Equity - Case Study Example Another advantage of using options is its ability to allow the trader to sell them against shares that he or she already owns. Through this option, the trader can earn extra income from the sale of these shares. On the other hand, option strategies have some drawbacks. Options can be of high risk even though they are designed to reduce risks. Options fall the risk-reward ration in that, options with higher returns are also characterized with greater risks and vice versa. Also, even though options have got the leverage advantage, it also has disadvantages arising from the leverage as the loss resulting from them can be horrible since all losses are multiplied. This is especially where too much leverage is used. The use options are also sophisticated in that it takes long for someone to know how it works ( 2015). Options are also risky where there is less information about the quotes as well as other analytical information such as the implied volatility. Dunbar (2012) notes that, options are also not available to cover all stocks as it limits the number of possibilities available to the trader. Another limitation of using the options strategies is the highest commission per do llar invested, which is incurred during their trade. This is especially common for spreads where an investor pays commissions for both spread sides. According to the (2006), the options have higher spreads due to the lack of liquidity. This makes the trader incur more costs in the form of indirect costs when trading them as he will be giving up the spread. There is always a waste of assets since options lose value over time. Therefore, the traders should be right on the direction as well as his timing. According to Arunajith (2007), the zero cost collars are also called the castles collar and is an option trading strategy, whose use is in the short term so as to seek

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Provide a compelling conclusion to my thesis which answers beyond Essay

Provide a compelling conclusion to my thesis which answers beyond doubt the question, - Essay Example ce the early 1980s may have made it more likely that financial factors in general, and the booms and busts in credit and asset prices in particular, act as drivers of economic fluctuations; as a result, the current environment may be more vulnerable to the occasional build-up of financial imbalances†. Because of the above turbulences, the strategies followed by the companies regarding the security of their assets have to be formulated accordingly. The impact of globalization in this case is extensive. As Stiglitz (2004, 57) states â€Å"one of the most controversial aspects of globalization is capital-market liberalization—not so much the liberalization of rules governing foreign direct investment, but those affecting short-term capital flows, speculative hot capital that can come into and out of a country†. However, despite the existence of common rules in the regulation of financial markets internationally, each country follows its own regulations in all issues related with commercial activities. International rules can have just a ‘supplementary’ role and only in cases where there is no appropriate national framework of rules regulating the commercial activities in all their aspects. Regarding this issue it has been supported by Pagano et al. (2001, 502) that â€Å"the regulations that shape the design and operations of corporations and credit and securities markets differ vastly from country to country while even similar regulations are often unequally enforced in different countries; economists still have an imperfect understanding of why these international differences exist and of whether they tend to persist over time†. On the other hand, the existence of these differentiations could be limited because of the existence of Internet which impose specific rules and principles on the transactions made. The structure of business operations can be also influenced in case that a particular business operates online. Indeed, the study of Ellam et al. (2002,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Negligence Liablity Case Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Negligence Liablity Case - Term Paper Example For an individual to be sufficiently culpable under the law it has to be shown that they intended a specific outcome that is in question. The law holds responsible an individual who fails to make proper decisions with regard to their individual conduct (Reitz, 2006). Contract law Business relationships are made and invariably involve contracts that range from leases to contracts of employment and contracts of professional services. Breach of contracts can often lead to action in courts of law, if the action succeeds an award of damages or an order of specific performance or an injunction can be given. In contract, drafting there is an implied term that services are to be undertaken with reasonable skill and care. There are various provisions. Contractual breaches can give rise to both actions of breach of contract and for negligence. Tort law In American law of tort, negligence has been seen as a distinct cause of action brought before the court system. The US system defines negligen ce as conduct falling below standard established and provided for by the law in a bid to protect others against such unreasonable risk of harm that can be borne from conduct. It is prudent for a cause of action to suffice five elements have to be present that is; duty of care was owed to the plaintiff by the defendant and that duty was breached and that there’s an actual causal connection between resulting harm and the defendant’s conduct and that there's a sufficient proximity between the cause and the foreseeable harm as in the case of Koprowski v. Manatee County, 519 So.2d 78 (Fla. App. 2 Dist. 1988) and as a consequence damage was caused. Sometimes legislatures or other laws as appropriate may provide for special duties of care, as in the instance of lawyers and doctors. Since they are also required to have a standard to which conforms to standard duty of care within their profession. When this professional fails to uphold that specified standard; will be inevitabl e in the form of malpractice charges, which are based on the law of negligence. Additionally, in McCarthy v. State, 562 N.Y.S.2d 190 (A.D. 1990) it was found by the court that US Consumer Product Safety Commission guidelines on the safety of playgrounds didn’t establish as a matter of law applicable standard of duty of care in a playground accident as evident in the court's inherent decision it was not mandatory that they are the exclusive standards to be applied for playground safety (White, 2003). Agency Law Causes of action under this law arise where the agency is held liable for tortuous acts of an agent. Generally, an agency is deemed negligent in providing the agent with the capability to engage in a particular conduct. Under the American law action may arise from; negligent supervision of the agencies agents, negligent training, and negligent retention of the agent. This type of negligence may seem to overlap with vicarious liability, they are however on distinct groun ds (Munday, 2008). Sometimes an agency might have their own guidelines in some cases not as in City of Miami v. Ameller, 472 So.2d 728 (Fla. 1985) where the court found the city’s own standards of duty could be considered in determining whether a city has violated its legal duty of care when maintaining its parks for safe public use. Corporate Law As evident from above businesses and individuals alike may be financially and legally liable for injuries occasioned by negligent

Friday, July 26, 2019

Why might we consider justice to be an essentially contested concept Essay - 1

Why might we consider justice to be an essentially contested concept - Essay Example It is the hope of this brief analysis that the reader will come to a more full and complete understanding of the way in which societal recognition of justice has come to be defined as well as some of the core drawbacks to the way in which this term impacts different individuals and points of view in different ways. Firstly, one of the core interpretations that were presented by Plato, and individuals before and after him, was that moral virtue is ultimately the definitive aspect of justice. Naturally, within such a definition, two distinct words stand in contrast with one another (Plant, 2011). First of these is â€Å"moral† and the second one is â€Å"virtue†. Unfortunately, these two are not mutually exclusive and necessarily involve compliments of one another as a function of their own definition; lending the reader to realize that a situation of philosophical analysis is somewhat adulterated by this reality (Rawls, 2011). Further identifications and definitions were predicated upon the fundamental or tacit/innate concept of justice and the belief that it was given by God/god/gods. Although this interpretation was useful in helping individuals to understand the natural rights and concepts of justice that helped to define a given political system, these also fell short due to t he fact that they leveraged an understanding â€Å"justice† that was predicated upon a particular belief system or religion. Naturally, this was also fundamentally flawed as it promoted one particular set of ideals and interpretations over a litany of others (Ryan, 2009). A further issue that exists is the fact that even if it is understood in terms of a universal application of fairness and equality under the law, it will invariably place a particular worldview, ethnicity, or culture as a barometer for the way in which this concept should be defined and administered. Looking into the current exhibition of the justice system in most of the developed

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Brainscapes Case Resolution Template Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brainscapes Resolution Template - Case Study Example he sodium concentration detected from MRI of the hippocampus suggest that the neurons in the hippocampus became diseased and were not functioning properly? What sort of a change in the Na+ concentration gradient would you expect when neurons are damaged or malfunctioning? In a normal brain tissue, the large intracellularcompartment maintains a low sodium concentration( ~10mmol/l) against a high sodium concentration in the extracellular compartment(~140mmol/l) After the death of neural cells,the intracellular space of a cell shrinks and the extracellular space increases. The larger concentration of sodium in the extracellular space yields a larger sodium signal intensity. 3 In addition to the information in the case presentation (including the web sites contained in the case itself, what other information did you find to determine whether the differences in Na+ concentrations in hippocampal cells could be related to changes in memory function? Where did you find this information? There is considerable evidence to suggest that the hippocampus and the related medio-temporal lobe structures of the human brain are crucial for the encoding and storage of information in long term memory 4) What does each of these additional items contribute to the solution of the case? For example, the item contains data from specific tests, trials, or experiments, or presents analyses that canbe used to understand the main issues in this case. The Thulborn study has provided evidence for the changes in sodium concentration upon death of neural cells. These have enabled the use of sodium magnetic resonance imaging to determine the sodium levels in hippocampus to test for the presence or extent of AD. There may be situations where the sodium content may increase in cells that are not dead or degenerated thus giving a false interpretation of the results. Increased sodium in the tissue could be caused by direct leakage of sodium because of amyloid beta channels in membranes

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Migration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Migration - Essay Example Immigration to the developed countries from the developing countries is a phenomenon that has deep impact over the lives of millions. The making of industrial revolution sparked a major twist in the labor distribution across the world. Although nation states are supposed to be homogeneous communities based on shared culture, identity, language, and ethnicity and so on, it does not hold true of all the countries, especially the countries that are favorite destinations of the immigrants. From its very inception, the United States has been overwhelmed by immigration from across the world. However, the issues pertinent to immigration to the United States in twenty first century are radically different from those of in the preceding centuries. There are a number of issues such as shifts in demographic patterns, lopsided economic effects, the rights of women and children, substance use, health care and public funds covered under the umbrella topic of immigration. Second generation allegian ce, citizenship and political assimilation, race and ethnicity, residential patterns, engaging in unauthorized employment too have been the ingredients of the immigration debate in the United States for last two-three decades. Since the issues to immigration are multidimensional, there needs to be a multidimensional policy framework to address the wide-ranging issues without losing their complexity. Illegal immigration to the United States involves an array of practices and techniques such as illegal entry, visa overstay and false representation. Amnesty has been contested idea as of there is no agreement on whether it is helpful to mitigate the grievances originating from illegal migration. Illegal migration also poses threat to social security, national security and the rule of law. Rightly or wrongly, aspects such as financial impacts, cultural mutations, labor disturbances, demographic changes, and transnational ties have been considered as the central issues of immigration.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Annotated Outline and Bibliography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Annotated Outline and Bibliography - Assignment Example In the military, leaders are in place to train new leaders and in business the means for teaching leadership is not different. As the Chief Executives within an organization, their influence is something that people look up to for guide on how the daily operation should run. Influence is the active relationship among people; however, also inherent in this definition is the concept that influence is multidirectional and noncoercive (Draft and Lane, 2008). A governing board is put together to run as a unit in order to get the job done, but the current means of getting that done is illustrated through the leadership on the board. The means of how one leads can also become a problem, especially if that management style is one that micro manages employees. Communication plays a pivotal part when examining quality issues within an organization. In regards to communication, the lack of proper channels to relay information is one of many problems within RHC. Current leadership lacks the skill especially to professionally transmit verbal communication. This book characterizes a number of the finest methods, organization, and outcomes for various key areas of management in a healthcare organisation. According to the author, the manager has to apply a number of processes and designs to ensure quality in the organisation. These include open systems, community-focused strategic management, and continuous improvement are discussed along with issues such as personal and public health, patient motivations, and safe, effective, efficient patient care. The governing board is important based on its mission and vision, budgeting, quality, membership, board performance, compensation, effectiveness, and legal issues regarding board membership and authority. Basing on the decision theory used to constitute a clinical quality improvement model, RHC may implement protocols to improve the quality of healthcare in accordance with realistic

Individual Study Guide Using Perceptual Maps in Marketing Simulation Summary Essay Example for Free

Individual Study Guide Using Perceptual Maps in Marketing Simulation Summary Essay Complete the simulation, Using Perceptual Maps in Marketing, located on the student website. Write a 1,050- to 1,450-word summary in which you address the following for each of the three major phases in the simulation: The situation Your recommended solutions, including why Your results Summarize the different marketing components addressed in this simulation by answering the following questions: What is the relationship between differentiation and positioning of products or services? Is the repositioning of the product in the simulation as you had expected it to be? Explain why or why not. What is the effect of the product life cycle on marketing? What effect did the product life cycle have on the product in the simulation? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.Complete the simulation, Using Perceptual Maps in Marketing, located on the student website. Write a 1,050- to 1,450-word summary in which you address the following for each of the three major phases in the simulation: The situation Your recommended solutions, including why Your results Summarize the different marketing components addressed in this simulation by  answering the following questions: What is the relationship between differentiation and positioning of products or services? Is the repositioning of the product in the simulation as you had expected it to be? Explain why or why not. What is the effect of the product life cycle on marketing? What effect did the product life cycle have on the product in the simulation? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Monday, July 22, 2019

French influence in Vietnam in the 19th century Essay Example for Free

French influence in Vietnam in the 19th century Essay In the 19th century, the French had a great influence in Vietnam in different aspects including; culture, religion, ethics, economy, politics and government and nationalistic aspirations of the Vietnamese. The French ruled Vietnam from approximately mid-late 1800s until 1954 when Vietnam defeated the French. According by Edward Terry on the geocities website, the greatest influence in Vietnam was that of religion. Others may think differently, but this essay will explain how all different aspects had an impact on Vietnam and whether or not the French had a good or bad influence in Vietnam. According to the textbook Contested Spaces by Thomas Cantwell, French colonialism had a negative influence on Vietnamese society. The French had a huge impact on the Vietnamese culture. French culture strongly influenced Vietnamese food, language, some architecture etc. The French cuisine had a great influence in Vietnam as you can still find asparagus, white potato and French bread on menus in Vietnam. A Vietnamese breakfast would be a baguette, yogurt and orange juice, which are all typical French items. In the South, the influence was the greatest, so these things are most often found in southern Vietnam. Before the French came, the Vietnamese used Chinese characters but French missionaries introduced the Latin alphabet to replace that. The Vietnamese written language doesnt only use 26 characters like the English language, but many different with different accents. Actual Vietnamese words were hardly influenced by the French and it could be said that in the 19th century, the Vietnamese spoken language sounded just like the Chinese spoken language to people who couldnt tell the difference. Even though the French language didnt have a great impact on the Vietnamese spoken language, many well educated Vietnamese speak French. The French influence in Vietnamese culture wasnt particularly bad or good. Even though, some may argue otherwise. Vietnamese architecture wasnt influenced strongly by the French but in the main cities such as Hanoi there can still be found the remnants of old French buildings. The French occupied the city so the majority of the buildings in the center like government buildings, offices, opera houses and big lodges were all made by the French. As said before, some argue that the biggest influence the French had in Vietnam was that of religion. The Socià ©tà © des Missions Étrangeres (The society of foreign missionaries) claims that up until the year of 1841, 450 000 Vietnamese had changed their religion to Christianity. However, those statistics arent very reliable, because during the progress they might have killed twice as many people as that. Having said that, even up to today, Catholicism is the second most practised religion (after Buddhism) in Vietnam. Therefore there can be said that religion was one of the biggest influences the French had in Vietnam. Vietnamese moral and ethical values were mostly influenced by the Chinese and the French didnt have a great influence on Vietnamese ethics. The French might have brought in some Europeans habits, but the majority of the Vietnamese lived by Chinese ethics. The French also had a great impact on the Vietnamese economy. The French opened banks in Vietnam but only to the benefit of the French. Looking at the economic influences the French had on Vietnam there can be said it was a bad influence for Vietnamese people. The French also introduced a wine tax in 1817 and since the national drink of Vietnam was rice wine, this had a great impact on the Vietnamese people. They controlled the rice wine manufacture, distribution and sale in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Local production was illegal. Salt was also very important product to the Vietnamese. In 1897 Governor General Paul Doumer also introduced a salt tax. Salt could only be purchased from French outlets with a price 10 times larger than its original price. The French also took opium from Asia and introduced it in Europe. They started trading and by 1929 the whole of Indochina was producing approximately 80 tonnes of opium yearly. All of these things influenced the economy because there was more trading and people had to pay a lot of taxes on things that were free before. Looking at all of these things there can be said that the French did have a negative influence on the Vietnamese economy. The French obviously had an effect on the Vietnamese government because they were ruling the Vietnamese. When they first arrived in Vietnam, they divided  it in three different parts called; Bac Ky (Tonkin), Trung Ky (Annam) and Nam Ky (Cochin china), so they could gain control over each part at a time. While the French were in Vietnam the emperor remained a figure head with no real power. He could practice his activities with his court and initiated laws, and conducted ceremonies as long as they didnt clash with the French policies and intentions. The French were in control over the government and therefore also the politics. As said before they introduced more taxes and with these taxes came new laws. According to the book: A short history of South east Asia by Church P., the Vietnamese imperial government had lost all capacity to control events. Another thing that changed while the French were in Vietnam was that the Vietnamese became more nationalistic. The Vietnamese wanted independence from the French and had a very nationalistic attitude. The French being in Vietnam also started guerrilla warfare. The Vietnamese stood up against the French. Guerrilla warfare isnt supported by the official military of the government but can be very organized. The French being in Vietnam flamed up their nationalistic aspirations. There can be concluded that the French had a huge impact and influence in Vietnam on all different aspects of live and the country. In conclusion from analyzing these different things there can be said that the French mainly had a negative influence in Vietnam. Bibliography: by Edward Terry Cantwell, Contested spaces Conflict in Indochina. McGraw Hill education, first edition 2003, NSW. Church P. 2006, A short history of South East Asia, John Wiley Sons, Singapore.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

History of the River Nile

History of the River Nile The Nile River At over 4,100 miles long, the Nile River is the largest river in the world. It is located in the northwestern part of Africa. The Nile River flows through many African countries. These countries include Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Burundi. The White and Blue Nile are two extensive channels that feed into the Nile River. The Nile River runs north into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile River had a major impact on Ancient Egypt and Ancient Egyptians. Around the same time, every year, the Nile would flood. The flooding would happen between June and September. There are two reasons people believed why. One reason was the snow and summer rain would overflow the river. Another reason, or theory consisted of the goddess Isis. Ancient Egyptians believed the Nile would flood because she would cry so much over the death of her husband, Osiris. Out of these two theories, back in Ancient Egypt the most believed one was the snow and summer rain theory. As a result of the flooding, the Nile River provided many sources for the Ancient Egyptians. One of these sources included fertile soil. The soil around the Nile River was very rich, therefore it was good for farmlands. Papyrus, wheat, and flax were the three main crops grown from this rich soil. These weren’t only the main crops, but they were the most important crops grown. The papyrus was used to make sandals, ropes, baskets and paper. Wheat was used for making bread; the flax was used for linen cloth, which was used for clothes. As a result of the rich soil, and the growing of the three crops, the Ancient Egyptians were able to make a living. The Nile was also good for building materials. The flooding of the river provided a black silt. This black mud was used for building homes. The silt was used for many purposes especially for building purposes like walls. The Nile River was also used for transportation. Ancient Egyptians used this a major tradeplace. They used the river for transporting goods and people. The Nile River has three of its own seasons. The first season, which was the season of the flooding was named Akhet. The second season, Peret, which was for growing their crops. Finally, the last season, Shemu, was for harvesting. Each season has it own special purpose, just like the seasons we have today. The calendars that the Ancient Egyptians used were created around these three seasons. The Ancient Egyptians divided the calendars they used up into these three seasons. The Ancient Egyptians divided the calendars they used up into these three seasons. In ancient Egypt there was a god for just about everything. Hapi was the god for the Nile River. Hapi was often depicted with women breasts and a bulging belly, even though Hapi was a male. The breasts and belly portrayed fertility, the ability to produce young. That contradicts with with his capability to sustain the land around the Nile when the flooding happened every year. Hapi was also depicted as wearing papyrus plants, which I mentioned before was used a lot around the Nile River. Since the Egyptians believed that Hapi the god of the Nile they would often thank him for the flooding that happened because it provided them with many useful things. As I have mentioned before, the White Nile is one of the two extensive channels that came from the Nile River. The White Nile was larger than the Blue Nile. The White Nile comes from Lake Victoria. Since the White Nile had a longer way to travel it only gave 15% of it’s water to the Nile River. The White Nile gets its name from the color of it. It has a whitish-gray color. The White Nile has this color because of the things that travel throughout it, such as the gray color of sediment that flows with the White Nile. The second extensive channel that comes from the Nile River us the Blue Nile. The Blue Nile originates from Lake Tana, which is found in the highlands of Ethiopia. The Blue and White Nile eventually meet to form the Nile River. Just like the White Nile, the Blue Nile gets its name from its color. The Blue Nile is originally bright blue color. Since the Blue Nile passes through Sudan it picks up sediments as it travels, so the color goes from bright blue to a darker shade of blue. Even though the Blue Nile is smaller than the White Nile it carries 66% of water that flows into the Nile River. Many animals lived in and around the Nile River. Crocodiles were one of the many animals the lived in the Nile River. Birds such as heron, cranes, ibises, ducks, and geese lived around the Nile River. One animal, that many people feared, was the hippopotamus. The hippopotamus was the most powerful animal around the Nile River. Many frogs, fish, and lizards lived in the water. Gazelles, camels, donkeys, cattle, and sheep are some of the animals that lived on the land around the Nile. Today the Nile River isn’t much different that what is was like in ancient Egypt. The land is still a little desolate. The Nile may make up about only 5% of Egypt’s land, but over 95% of the population in Egypt lives around the Nile. Just as it was in Ancient Egypt, the Nile River is still lifeblood of the country. The Nile River is now under control with the flooding. The Aswan Dam helps control the flooding. The winter snow and summer is still the main cause for the Nile’s flooding. Citrus fruits, wheat, sugarcane, and cotton are some of the many crops that farmers grow around the Nile River. Many of the same animals still live in and around the Nile River today. Crocodiles and the birds are some of the animals that live in the Nile. Today, the hippopotamus still lives near the Nile River. Also, the Nile River is used for many things. Hydroelectricity is one of the many things. Dams were built to help generate hydroelectric power; these dams also help with the Nile’s annual flooding. Websites (Sources)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Prozac: Fluoxetine Essay -- Depression Psychology Medications Essays

Prozac: Fluoxetine Many people, both those who have experienced the illness and families and friends that have helped loved ones cope with it, are familiar with the far reaching effects of depression. Depression is one of the most common medical conditions in United States and around the world. At some point in their lives one in four, approx 18 million, Americans will experience some episode of depression. For people struggling with depression there is help available. Antidepressant medications and other treatments can often make an astonishing difference in depressive symptoms within a few weeks. With the right treatment eight out of ten people improve. Before the 20th century, most people experiencing depression went without diagnosis and treatment. Early, crude forms of sedatives were given to people with severe agitation, anxiety or psychotic depression. Like many other aspects of science there has been an evolutionary growth of the quality and range of availability of help for illnesses like this. The involvement and evolution of anti-depressant drugs is an important role in the fight against depression. In the 1950s the fist generation of anti depressants was discovered. It was not until the 1980s that a newer class of antidepressants revolutionized the treatment of depression. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were the first of these medications to be available in the United States. Fluoxetine (Prozac) was the first of its kind. (Kramlinger, 2001) Fluoxetine first appeared in scientific literature as Lilly 110410 (the hydrochloride form), a selective serotonin uptake inhibitor, in August 15, 1974 issue of, Life Sciences (Wong,... ...el A., (2001).Understanding Drug Interactions. Proffesional Psychology: Research and Practice, Vol.32, No.5, 543-547: American Physiological Association Inc. Sanchez, Connie, & Hyttel, John, (1999). Comparison of the Effects of Antidepressants and Their Metabolites on Reuptake of Biogenic Amines and on Receptor Bindings. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Vol.19, No.4.Denmark: Plenum Publishing Co. Science Direct, (2003).Fluoxetine inhibits A-type Potassium Currents in Primary Cultured Rat Hippocampal Neurons. Department of Physiology, Medical Research Center, South Korea. Wong, David T., (1995).Prozac (Fluoxetine, Lilly 110140), The First Selective Serotonin Uptake Inhibitor and Antidepressant Drug. Life Sciences, Vol.57, No.5. Indianapolis, In: Elserver Science Ltd.

Latin America Essay -- essays research papers

Hisotry of Latin America History of the region from the pre-Columbian period and including colonization by the Spanish and Portuguese beginning in the 15th century, the 19th-century wars of independence, and developments to the end of World War II.Latin America is generally understood to consist of the entire continent of South America in addition to Mexico, Central America, and the islands of the Caribbean whose inhabitants speak a Romance language. The peoples of this large area shared the experience of conquest and colonization by the Spaniards and Portuguese from the late 15th through the 18th centuries as well as movements of independence from Spain and Portugal in the early 19th century. Even since independence, many of the various nations have experienced similar trends, and they have some awareness of a common heritage. However, there are also enormous differences between them. Not only do the people live in a large number of independent units, but the geography and climate of their countries vary im mensely, and their social and cultural characteristics differ according to the different constitution of the inhabitants before the Iberian conquest and the different timing and nature of European occupation. Since the Spanish and Portuguese element looms so large in the history region, it is sometimes proposed that Iberoamerica would be a better term than of the Latin America. Latin seems to suggest an equal importance of the French and Italian contributions, which is far from being the case. Nevertheless, usage has fastened on Latin America, and it is retained here. The independence of Latin America After three centuries of colonial rule, independence came rather suddenly to most of Spanish and Portuguese America. Between 1808 and 1826 all of Latin America except the Spanish colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico slipped out of the hands of the Iberian powers who had ruled the region since the conquest. The rapidity and timing of that dramatic change were the result of a combination of long-building tensions in colonial rule and a series of external events. The reforms imposed by the Spanish Bourbons in the 18th century provoked great instability in the relations between the rulers and their colonial subjects in the Americas. Many Creoles (those of Spanish parentage but who were born in America) felt Bourbon policy to be an unfair attack on their wealth, po... ...ts was slow to appear in Latin America. Brazil was the most successful, selling automobiles and automotive parts mainly to other developing countries but at times even to the industrialized world. A slightly less satisfactory alternative was the setting up of plants to assemble imported parts into consumer goods that were immediately exported, thus taking advantage of Latin America's low labour costs. Such plants proliferated along Mexico's northern border (where they were known as maquiladoras) but sprang up also in Central America and around the Caribbean. In other instances Latin Americans tried to develop new ("nontraditional") primary commodity exports. Colombian cut flowers were a highly successful example of the latter, promoted from the late 1960s through special incentives such as tax rebates; Colombia became the world's second leading flower exporter. It also assumed a leading role in the illicit narcotics trade. It enjoyed a brief boom of marijuana exports in the 1970s and in the following decade became the world's leading supplier of cocaine, which was processed in clandestine Colombian laboratories from coca leaf paste mostly originating in Bolivia and Peru.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hydroponics :: essays research papers

Hydroponics Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  NAME HERE and I became fascinated by hydroponics and the idea that one doesn't have to get their hands dirty to be a great gardener, and if your like us that's a good thing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The idea of hydroponics has been around since the pyramids where build, but in all these years it never seemed to catch on. It took about forty-six hundred years before the first scientist took a look at hydroponics and adapted it to grow crops, this was a professor at the University of California, and the result was a 25 foot tomato plant that had to be harvest by a ladder. Thus hydroponics was reborn and has been advancing ever since. Yet up to 5 years ago the home grower and generally the public didn't know about hydroponics. It was only being used by commercial growers. But now it has caught on, and resulted in this experiment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When thinking about hydroponics one must think about the applications of hydroponics. Not only dose hydroponics produce bigger, better, and more healthier plants than the traditional dirt, but it can also be greatly beneficial on things like submarines, space stations, off-shore oil rigs, or any where else where dirt is hard to come by.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During this experiment we'll be looking for which plant life well do best with hydroponics, by measuring which plant has grown the highest or bushiest. We also well be looking for green and healthy looking leaves on the plants. We have no idea what the results might be, so this should be an exciting experiment. Problem   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Which form of plant life will thrive the most in a hydroponics enrichment. Will it be Tomatoes our fruit, Peas our vegetable, Tinkerbell flowers, or Beans a legume?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First we selected a suitable PVC pipe and cut it into a 4 foot long piece. Next we cut four holes into the pipe with a jigsaw. After that we drilled two holes for the brass tee's to fit into. Next we glued on the two caps. After that we drilled two holes, one for the bucket to rest on, and the other for the plastic hose to go into. Then we glued the 20mm pipe into one of the holes. After that we cut our 4 inch PVC pipe and glued the cap to it. Then we drilled two holes into the pipe, and inserted two brass nosles into the holes we just drilled. Now take the plastic hose and cut it into 4 piece. One piece is for draining, one is for sub reservoir, and two are to separate the sub

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Black Boy Essay

Most African American families in the South were lower class and committed dangerous acts to survive, â€Å"Richard suffered poverty and hunger experiences that later became themes of his work†. He would have to wait a long period of time before food was available for him, â€Å"You’ll have to wait till I get a job to buy food†. The lower class did desperate things to get money â€Å"Richard sneak into saloons and begs for pennies and drinks†. Many African Americans suffered horribly from poverty, â€Å"My mothers’ suffering grew into a symbol, gathering to itself all the poverty, the ignorance, the helplessness, the pain, hunger ridden days and hours†. The Jim Crow South brought many adversities for Blacks and poverty was a major part of that. Poverty not only took away the physical things in their lives, but also it took away from their internal selves as human beings. The things they had in their lives that they were deprived of, did not mean as much to them as losing who they are as a person, â€Å"I would send other words to tell, to march, to fight, to create a sense of the hunger of life that gnaws in us all, to keep alive in our hearts a sense of the inexpressibly human†. Racism in the Jim Crow South was brutal, unnecessary, and in some cases fatal. Racism in the United States South was a major theme, and impacted the life of Richard both in a positive and negative way. The only positive aspect of it was that he and many other African Americans overcame it and helped them become better people. In most cases racism affected lives in a negative way. Most African Americans were both physically and mentally pushed to their limit and caused permanent scars in their lives, â€Å"Having been thrust out of the world because of my race, I had accepted my destiny by not being curious about what shaped it†, The quote by Richard shows the racism was present and unfair, you can still move on and not let it be damaging to your daily lives and emotions. Richard experienced many abusive events resulting from racism, â€Å"He experienced some of the most severe abuses of racial oppression in Mississippi†. African Americans have the theory that White people are dangerous and not to be trusted, â€Å"the Jim Crow South was a system of racial segregation practiced in some states of the US, and it gave whites a reason to treat Blacks as second class citizens†. Richard falls into a category of Black youth who fears the White community and has a hard time interacting with them, â€Å"Richard feels psychological tension around Whites†. The major reason why Richard is a part of the Great Migration and fled North is because of racism. The segregation Blacks had to deal with also took away many educational opportunities, â€Å"No education could alter what the meaning of living, came only when one was struggling†. Racism took away many privileges and rights away from Blacks. Many African Americans in the South moved north for better opportunities, and this vast moment was known as the Great Migration. It was hard for many African Americans to leave the South because that was the only life they knew, â€Å"Nine out of ten African Americans lived in the American South in 1900, by 1930, 3 in 10 lived outside the house†. Richard Wrights’ Black Boy shows how racism destroyed the lives of many African Americans, but for some it did just the opposite, as for Richard it drove him to be the successful writer he is today. Violence affected African American youth in a negative way, and it varied how they let it affect the rest of their lives. Poverty took a major toll on the lives of African Americans during the Jim Crow South system, and affected the majority in an unconstructive way. Racism made a huge impact on the lives of the Blacks because it affected their emotions, physicality, home life, and way of being. For some, racism lead to death or completely ruined their lives, but others took the hardship of racism and went with it in the opposite direction. Richard Wright, once a trouble African American boy, now a flourishing writer.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Destination Disneyworld

ending to Disneyworld Our familys favorite tradition is pass vacation road trips. No doubt, our vacations drama out to be a conquest each and every year. Throughout my childishness and into my teenager years, we run through g champion from the beaches in Florida to the v whollyeys in California. The roughly memorable angiotensin-converting enzyme I could rec every was our vacation to Disneyworld in Orlando, FL in 2004. I always overhear the notion as child that entertainment park take your imagination to a new and entirely different level.On goggle box commercials and billboard ads, it shows that Disneyworld is a destination where dreams inject true and magic happen. It was a glowing and humid day on the first-year week of June, my brothers and sister was so aroused and anxious to see what this wonderful come to the fore has to offer. Every summer, my p atomic number 18nt would take their wakeless earning saving from their account and treat my siblings to a vacation. I t was a special time for my mommy because it shows how important it is for our family to reunite with each other.Although I was only ten at the time, I could remember all of my vacations like it all happen yesterday. Being so childlike and naive, all my mind could think was confrontation Mickey cabbage, Donald Duck, and all the other characters. On our first day in that location, we haggle the charming Kingdom and Universal Studio and one word that comes to mind was magical. My parent flake back to when they were kids and the environment and atmosphere there was unbelievable.My brother and I were jumping up and down and doesnt have the circumspection for the world because we were having so much fun. Our following day there, my entire family rode the Splash Mountains and tugboat of Terror which I was scared at the beginning but it ended up to be another ride I enjoyed. The laser light show was the most awesome thing I have seen, it was at least twenty mo of lights, lasers firework, animation, and dancing waters. The shows consisted of all of the Disney characters and with Mickey Mouse telling a stories with his magical wand.The next morning, we dog-tired the entire day at the MGM studios. This park was all movie themes which offers lav the glimpse of Hollywood style swear out with live shows, thrilling attractions, and backstage tours that are mainly dedicated to entertainment. On our be night there, I realized how terrible this place was and was in totally scepticism that it was almost time to go home. My family all thought every penny spent there was worthwhile and planning to visit it again once our families expand.

Social Learning Theory Psychology

In the field of Psychology, larn theories be there to attempt to explain how mint think and what portions ultimately deviate their port (ETR, 2007). at that place argon various types of tuition theories which solely in all overwhelm different concepts and approaches to distinguish an understanding of human carriage and thought (ETR, 2007). The genial entropy system (SLT) is precisely one of numerous theories which fall under the kin of acquirement theories.The amicable learning speculation, which is in addition ordinarily known as tender cognitive surmise, is justify in the belief that human sort is dictated by a triangular effect relationship between environ rational influences, cognitive factors, and behavior (ETR, 2007). To stand a befitting understanding of the complaisant learning theory, one needs to cause been adequately briefed in the major contributors of the theory, a thorough comment of what the theory entails, assumptions ab kayoed the th eory, and the phylogenyal puzzle out and utilise which has previously and currently taken place.Accomplishment is socially judged by ill defined criteria so that one has to imprecate on others to find out how one is doing (Kearsley, 2008). This was produce by Albert Bandura, who is one of the two major contributors to the social learning theory. Bandura was born the youngest and only male of vi siblings on December 4, 1925, in Mund be, Canada (Pajares, 2004). Fast-forwarding by his childhood, Bandura sufferly found himself attending the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. His happening to fall into psychology was simply a fluke for him, for he was planning to get a degree in the biological sciences (Pajares, 2004).Bandura carpoo take with peers to school who were all majors in engineering and pre-med, which entailed them to have premature morning classes (Pajares, 2004). To fill his workload, Bandura had an open-morning spot to fill on his roster, whi ch is where he fell into an introduction to psychology degree (Pajares, 2004). He was instantly intrigued, which led him on his form to becoming one of the great contributors to this field. In 1949, he graduated with the Bolo flowerpot Award in psychology from the University of British Columbia (Pajares, 2004).His next task was to knock crush graduate school, where he attended at the University of Iowa and trustworthy his Ph. D. in clinical psychology in 1952 (Pajares, 2004). scratch already in 1953, Bandura found himself teaching at Stanford University where he came across a well-educated assimilator by the touch of Richard Walters (Pajares, 2004). The two found themselves every bit interested in the studies of explaining antisocial aggression in young males who came from whole most households in upper-class residential areas in comparison to demonstrating that multiple opposing conditions whitethorn lead to behavioral problems (Pajares, 2004).This detail hit the books led Bandura and Walters to co-write a book, Adolescent Aggression, in 1959 (Pajares, 2004). From there, Bandura wrote a image of numerous books dealing with the social learning theory. after he became a found member and choose President of the Ameri substructure Psychological Association in 1973 (Pajares, 2004). The sustain major contributor to the social learning theory came from a man by the name of Lev Vygotsky. Vygotsky was a Russian psychologist who was born in 1896 (Gallagher, 1999).Vygotsky was say to be a connoisseur of literature and philosophical system (Gallagher, 1999). He attended the University of capital of the Russian Federation, where he studied and original a degree in law (Gallagher, 1999). It was non until 1924 when Vygotsky became interested in psychology (Gallagher, 1999). He had create verbally a paper, The Psychology of Art, in 1925 which he employ primarily in his thesis at the Moscow Institute of Psychology. Between the years of 1924-1934, before his final stage due to Tuberculosis, is when all his psychology work was effective (Gallagher, 1999).In those 10 years of research and study of psychology, Vygotsky became an active follower of the sociocultural theory which suggests that development of a child relies on interaction with heap and the tools or resources that the culture provides to help form their in-person view of the world (Gallagher, 1999). The social learning theory (SLT), among others, is one of the most commonly used models currently. SLT is non a horribly complex model, for it is based to a greater extent or less the interactions made from one another through observations, imitations, and simulation (Learning, 2008).Due to the fact that the SLT encompasses attention, memory, and motive, it is said to be a bridge for psychologists between behaviorists and cognitive learning (Learning, 2008). The SLT focuses on the prospect that people learn through sight other peoples behaviors, attitudes, and outcomes of those behaviors observed (Learning, 2008). The social learning theory has three basic dogmas which sustain the breakdown of the theory very clear. The first principle is that people can learn through observation (Boeree, 2006). Bandura had conducted a well-known experiment known as the Bobo Doll Study (Boeree, 2006).In this study, Bandura had a make out of dames to which adult figures would interact with, in terms of gloomy and/or aggressive behavior while children observed. Later, children were permit into the room and were allowed to play with the same set of dolls that the adults had previously used. From data-based learning, the children themselves inflicted the same type of behavior that the adults previously did. The children who observed a gentle act toward the Bobo doll reacted in the same way to pursue a more calm and loving affect toward the doll.In contrast, the children who observed aggressive behavior toward the Bobo doll also copied the same behavior of aggress ion toward the doll (Boeree, 2006). Bandura came up with three basic models of observational learning through conducting this study (Boeree, 2006). The first model is a stretch forth model. This involves an actual human individual who is acting out or demonstrating a particular behavior (Boeree, 2006). The second model is the verbal instructional approach. This involves giving the description and directions to acting out a authoritative behavior (Boeree, 2006). The third and last model is the symbolic model.This encompasses palpable of fictional characters. These characters are set to display behaviors in books, television, movies, or online media (Boeree, 2006). The second of the three basic principles is mental states are important to learning (Boeree, 2006). In great detail, this involves and contributes to intrinsic backup. Bandura was the contributor to this that previously noted that external, environmental reinforcement was not the only factor to influence learning and behavior (Boeree, 2006). This is where the idea of intrinsic reinforcement comes into place.This type of reinforcement is informal, which can include feelings of satisfaction, pride, and sensation of accomplishment (Boeree, 2006). This is how the term of social cognitive theory correlates directly with the social learning theory. These types of reinforcements emphasize the internal thoughts and cognitions to help cooperate with theories of cognitive development (Boeree, 2006). The last of the three basic principles is that learning does not of necessity lead to change in behavior (Boeree, 2006). This path that observational learning does not define all observed behaviors not all behaviors must be and are acting on (Boeree, 2006). single can learn something through observation without demonstrating the new randomness attained. These three main principles paved the way for more of Banduras work in the SLT, and the introduction to special(prenominal) modeling process. The modeli ng process consists of four base steps which lead to the development of understanding social learning theory. The first step is known by the word of Attention (Learning, 2008). This concept states that in request for an individual to learn, they have to be paying attention.It is practicable for distractions of course, but anything that distracts one is going to ultimately have a negative effect on the observational learning taking place (Learning, 2008). A some examples of distractions could include being sleepy, groggy, sick, nervous, drugged, or even hyper in a sense can affect the learning process. All of those feelings can be competing factors with ones attention span. Likewise, for something that whitethorn be of interest to the subject, rich attention could be put into place and more dedication to observing and absorbing new cultivation could happen (Learning, 2008).The second step is known as Retention (Learning, 2008). Retention is known as the storing process of obse rvational learning. The superpower or lack of to lineage or remember nurture plays an important utilization in the learning process (Learning, 2008). Retention, just ilk attention, can be affected by many different factors as well. This is also where imagery and verbiage come into play. One is able to store information in terms of verbal knowledge or imagery knowledge, depending on the subject and situation.Later, one is evaluate to bring up the previously observed information if retention was successful (Learning, 2008). No need to say that retaining information is a vital aspect to observational learning. Third on the list of steps for the social learning model is Reproduction (Learning, 2008). This is where the consummateance of information retained is put into place. Once one has genuinely gone thorough attention and retained the proper information necessary, it is expected that one can perform the behavior initially learned (Learning, 2008).Of course, there are limitat ions to the ability of being able to perform certain tasks. For example, one can watch an Olympic meretricious medalist do an entire gymnastic stunt flying routine on the mat, but may not have the ability to flex their body that particular way and be able to perform some of the stunts observed. This is why there is a leniency for the ability to perform tasks for the purpose that farther practice may be needed (Learning, 2008). With a combination of practice of the learned behavior and continuous observation of the behavior, the surgical process level may have improvement and further skill advancement.The final of the four proper steps is Motivation (Learning, 2008). In order for most observational learning to be successful to any state, motivation is crucial to simulate the modeled behavior (Learning, 2008). there are several factors that Bandura stated to be a vital part in the motivational factor of the observed behavior performance. Reinforcement and penalisation are key co ncepts in motivation levels (Learning, 2008). Past reinforcement, such(prenominal) as a reward after a proper outtake of the behavior, can motivate one to imitate the new observed behavior.In contrast, past punishment can be the same type of motivator. One who was punished previously for not conducting the observed behavior properly will make one necessitate to conduct the new behavior successfully because they are aware of the consequences if not done properly (Learning, 2008). Also, promised reinforcements or punishments can do the same type of influence. A promised reinforcement, such as a treat, could make one strive to perform the task correctly. On the other hand, a promised punishment, such as a threat, can give the same affect (Learning, 2008).