Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Conquering the Generation Gap - 825 Words
Renowned president, Franklin Roosevelt, once stated, ââ¬Å"There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected.â⬠As generations come and go like the tides, the ocean of differences between them becomes clearer. Older generations differ from the current generation in their use of technology and their integration of educational methods. Older generations did not have the technological advancements and opportunities that are available now, nor did they have access to these technologies for educational purposes. Successful efforts are being made each day to bridge the technological and educational gap. One thing that has continued to advance steadily throughout history is technology. Generations pass as technological knowledge increases. Although this is a fact the world has come to accept, it creates a sea of barriers between generations that is difficult to overcome. Technology plays a crucial part in society today, but that fact hasnââ¬â¢t always held true. In past generations, such advanced technology wasnââ¬â¢t available or even discovered. Phones werenââ¬â¢t portable, computers werenââ¬â¢t a common sight in homes, and the gathering of information required a trip to the library and hours of research. Today, information is easily attainable by way of a computer or cell phone. In fact, hardly any effort is required at all. The older generations are mistrustful and cautious of these new technologies, as well as vastly uneducated,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The American Dream1063 Words à |à 5 Pageseven though there are people who believe its not, and is defined tod ay as the ability to work hard, plan for the forthcoming and have a secure way of life. 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This is built-in in C++s (-- removed HTML --) library. I used a C++11 library called (-- removed HTML --) to record execution time on each sorting algorithms. Its almost like (-- removed
Monday, December 16, 2019
Software Developing Free Essays
The software was developed iteratively by submitting module by module. The requirements were changing time-to-time and the software had to go many changes throughout the development. Small chunks were developing from time-to-time which required some changes to be incorporated in the system. We will write a custom essay sample on Software Developing or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the meanwhile the developed modules were tested and the feedback was collected continuously to incorporate in our system. The initial version of the software was released with some simple functionalities and the changes and feedback and requirements were updated which added some advancement to the software we developed. 2.2 Architectural Strategies 2.2.1 Programming Language Python- As python is one of the worldââ¬â¢s powerful programming languages it gives some of the built-in modules for development which makes system faster and easy for development. The classes and methods are developed using python. The prediction model uses some of the libraries in python. PromQL- The query for extraction and generation of the graphs has been written in PromQL query language 2.2.2 Future Plans As it comes to the future it will be taking the corrective actions automatically which means using AI agents for handling all the aspects of failure and recovery of the system. The enhancement includes chatbot implementation for limited set of queries about the usage stats and analysis of the data. 2.2.3 User Interface Paradigm The user will be provided with the dashboard for the results and reports generated. The dashboard provides various features like querying on the data and stats about the usage of resources and various functionalities. The predictive analysis will be shown in a console of the IDE PyCharm. The user will be given set of values through which the user get an idea about the usage. 2.2.4 Error Detection and Recovery ErrorDetection is carried out by user testing and slack bot has been setup to report the bug in the system. The different datasets are used for testing the ARIMA model has been carried out to test the efficiency of the system.Recovery has been done by alerting the user about the crash in the system using slack automated system and the systems stable state (previous state) will be restored. 2.2.5 Data Storage Management The data are extracted from the exporters and stored in a csv file. The extraction happens between an interval of 5 sec. As the data will be not accessed frequently and modified the data is stored on the stable storage within the machine running the programs. 2.2.6 Communication Mechanism Prometheus used http protocol to communicate with its client system and members. Message passing mechanism will be used to communicate with the exporters for the extraction of the raw data about usage of the resources. Grafana uses http protocol for extraction of the data from prometheus. The data will be passed by prometheus to grafana using the endpoint ââ¬Ë/metricsââ¬â¢. 2.2.7 Graph Generation Mechanism The prometheus tool uses a query language called PromQL used for aggregating the extracted data and based on those factors the graphs will be generated. 2.3 System Architecture As it comes to system architecture typical style has been used which is separate modules and microservices has been used to build the system.Figure 2.2 System Architecture 2.4 Data Flow Diagrams2. 4.1 Data Flow Diagram ââ¬â Level 0 Figure 2.3 Data Flow Diagram ââ¬â Level 0 Initial step is to collect the data from the system (AWS) and the data are stored in CSV file for further analysis. Prometheus is used for real time monitoring of the AWS instances and generation of usage graphs. 2.4.2 Data Flow Diagram ââ¬â Level 1Figure 2.4 Data Flow Diagram ââ¬â Level 1 Exporters are installed for extracting the metrics from the AWS instances , which is then used by Prometheus monitoring tool for the usage graph generation and the extracted data will be stored in the CSV for further analysis 2.4.3 Data Flow Diagram ââ¬â Level 2Figure 2.5 Data Flow Diagram ââ¬â Level 2 Different exporters are installed to get the metrics from different instances, where each exporter will be used by Prometheus to get the data for graph and usage stats generation.Predictive analysis will be done on the stored data using the ARIMA model. How to cite Software Developing, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Classical Style vs the Renaissance Essay Example For Students
Classical Style vs the Renaissance Essay Classical Style vs The Renaissance One of the most influential artistic styles in western culture is the Classical Style. This term describes the art and architecture produced in Ancient Greece between the late sixth and early fourth centuries B. C. E. The harmonious order that governs almost all the aspects of Ancient Greek Civilization, including politics and philosophy, was the basis of this rich artistic period which has always had a strong influence on Western culture. Nevertheless, there have been some periods in history where the Classical influences were more prevalent. This influence could not be more evident than in the Renaissance, which refers to the rebirth of the Classical Style. The Renaissance which spread through Europe started in Italy around 1300 C. E. And lasted though the seventeenth century. In this period, the artisans did not Just copy the Greeks but also revived their principles of harmony, order, proportion, and realism. In this paper, Im going to exam one sculpture and one building from each of these two periods to identify the similarities and differences between them. Hermes with the young Dionysus by Parallaxes vs David by Michelangelo Hermes with the young Dionysus was made by Parallaxes around 340 B. C. E. This marble statue represents Hermes, which was the messenger of the Greek Gods, holding the young Dionysus (Cambric). This freestanding Greek statue was made during the Golden Age of the Classical Style, and it features the key characteristics of this period (realism, harmony, and proportion). Hermes appears nude leaning against a tree trunk draped with material which is wrapped around his arm. He is leaning in a relaxed pose with most of his body positioned on the left side of the artwork. Parallaxes balances the overall composition by putting the young Dionysus on Hermes arm which connects the figure to the supporting tree trunk on the right side. Like other sculptures from this period, Hermes with the young Dionysus is very realistic. According to Gloria Firer, author of the book The Humanistic Tradition the male nude of the High Classical Age seems to fulfill Aristotle idea of excellences as the exercise of human will dominated by reason. Hermes idealized body is perfectly symmetrical, and it absolutely fits into the Greek canon (set of rules for determining hysterical proportion). In addition, the almost tactile texture of the smooth marble exposes Hermes well developed muscles and bones which seem to be alive and moving under his soft smooth skin. His facial features are symmetrical and proportionate, and his expression is relaxed while smiling as he looks upon the baby Dionysus. In this statue, Parallaxes reflects the Greek ideal of beauty. The realism and perfection of the Greek statues of the Classical period were the inspiration for sculpture of the Italian Renaissance. Michelangelo created David between 1501 and 1504. The work is a representation of the young shepherd who slays the giant Goliath with his meager sling and who later goes on to become the king of Israel (Firer). Like Hermes with the young Dionysus, David is a freestanding, statue of a nude male, created at the peak of its period, the Renaissance. Michelangelo created this sculpture in the early sixteen is very realistic, and the smooth marble shows the perfectly developed muscular structure beneath the skin. However, unlike Hermes, Davits posture is not relaxed but rigid with his muscles tense and veins protruding from the surface. He appears alert and focused on his opponent, awaiting some action that is about to happen. In addition, while Hermes scale and proportion are realistic, Davits is oversized standing 14 Ft. 5 in. Sigh, and his head hands, and feet are oversized and not proportionate to the rest of his body. Michelangelo deliberately violated classical proportions by making the head and hands of his figure to large for his trunk. The body of the fearless adolescent is tense and brooding, powerful rather than graceful says Firer. Although both sculptures share common characteristics, David is different room Hermes in that Parallaxes creation is Just a celebration of beauty and perfection while Michelangelo creates be auty and also enhances human accomplishment. During protestant reformation EssayParthenon vs.. Saint Pewters Basilica The Parthenon (448-432 B. C. E. ) is a Classical Greek temple that was designed by architects Stations and Calibrates. It is located in Athens, Greece, and it crowns the high plateau called the Acropolis. The temple is dedicated to the citys main Goddesses, Athena, and it is surrounded by other smaller temples (Firer). Like most of the buildings from this period, the architects used the post-and-lintel system, and hey did not use mortar. The Parthenon floor plan is rectangular and very simple. It only has two rooms surrounded by a colonnaded walkway. The order used for the columns is Doric, which has no base, and its capital is a simple cushion. The Greek principles of perfection such as order, harmony, and symmetry govern the whole construction. The ideal and concern with perfection of order and balance caused the architects to use wider columns on the corners of the structure to offset the visual reduction of their size due to the bright light of the sky behind them according to Firer. In addition, the Parathions pediment was decorated symmetrically and balanced with relief carvings of the Greek Gods featuring the king of the gods, Zeus, directly in the center. Similar to the revival of the classical style in Renaissance sculpture, the principles of the Classical Greek architecture were the inspiration for building during the Renaissance. Saint Pewters Basilica (1506-1612 C. E. ) is a catholic church constructed during the high Renaissance. Ten architects worked on its construction including Donation Aberrant, who started the project, and Michelangelo, who designed of the dome (The World Book Encyclopedia). Similarly to the Parthenon, it is intended for worshiping and is located in the middle of a religious area, Vatican City. It is dedicated to Saint Peter who is considered the fist pope of the Christian Church and whose remains lay beneath the building. Saint Pewters Basilica has also some decorative features that resemble the Greek temple. The columns in the fade are inspired by the Classical Style although they are a different order, Corinthian, and above the columns there is a pediment. Crowning the fade are thirteen statues upon the balustrade, which although are not exactly the same, they mimic the ones in the Parthenon. The figure in the center is Jesus, king of heaven, and the rest are Saint John the Baptist and eleven apostles. The major differences between the two temples are the construction methods. Saint Pewters Basilica uses mortar, and it has stone arches inside supporting plan is a Latin cross that is inspired by the medieval cathedrals. In addition, the building is crowned with a huge dome, which is an architectural feature and innovation from the Renaissance. Although the Renaissance architecture is more omelet than the Classical, the architects included key classically styled features in their designs and the Classical ideal of proportion and order in their construction. After examining the sculpture and architecture from these two periods, it is clear that they have a direct relationship to each other. The renaissance borrowed the Classical principles of order, harmony, and proportion from the Greeks. This is clear in the comparison of the two statues. In the case of the architecture, the Renaissance took the Classical elements, but they utilized more advanced techniques. Although the Renaissance was a brilliant period in which innovation and creativity was rich, the use of the Classical examples and the honoring of them clearly confirm their timeless and lasting influence. Works Cited Firer, Gloria. The Humanistic Tradition Volume l. 5th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall, 2005. Print. Cambric, E. H. The Story of Art. 15th edition. All Saints Street, London: Phaeton Press Limited, 1999. Print The World Book Encyclopedia. Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago: Field Enterprises Educational Corporation. 1962. Print.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Literary Essay 12 Years a Slave Essay Example
Literary Essay 12 Years a Slave Essay It is difficult for a person with compassion to fathom the object of slavery.Why would one man subject another man to torment?Why would anyone exercise their authority over another like human being?Why would any human being kidnap, flog and sell another into bondage?These and many other questions surround the subject of slavery as it reared its ugly head in the southern slave states of America.The account rendered by Solomon Northup gives us a glimpse into the daily life of a slave.His writings shed light upon the varying ways in which slave masters managed their ââ¬Å"property.â⬠It also revealed how slaves resisted terrorism inflicted upon them by their owners. It is inconceivable that a freeman, such as Northup, would be captured and sold into slavery.Yet, as the story unfolds, the craftiness of men and their ability to little by little lull even the brightest of men into the den of iniquity becomes apparent.Enticed by Brown Hamilton to play violin for their circus acts in New-York, Northup innocently falls victim to a much deeper and more diabolical scheme.After being drugged, hauled to a cell in Washington, a slave state no-less, and chained, Northup was still oblivious to the torturous fate that awaited him.The slave-trader Burch tortured him with a paddle until it broke and then followed with the cat-o-nine-tails.He whipped him because Northup would not deny he was a free man.ââ¬Å"His brutal blows could not force from my lips the foul lie that I was a slaveMy sufferings I can compare to nothing else than the burning agonies of hell! (25).Burch said that if he dared to utter another word about his entitlement to freedom, being kidna pped, or the like, ââ¬Å"he swore he would either conquer or kill (him)â⬠(26).This first incident of terrorism in Northupââ¬â¢s life proved to silence himm well enough.But, it did not prevent him from continually think of ways to escape his circumstances and return to his fami We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Essay 12 Years a Slave specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Essay 12 Years a Slave specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Essay 12 Years a Slave specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Play in as much detail as possible Essays
Play in as much detail as possible Essays Play in as much detail as possible Essay Play in as much detail as possible Essay People experience a huge range of emotions in their lifetime, in Romeo and Juliet; Shakespeare shows his audience a wide range of emotions through his characters, the following events and the action of the play.The audience sees characters playing several emotions and can understand how and why the characters are feeling these emotions.Indeed, by the end of Romeo and Juliet the audience would feel quite emotionally drained by what they had just seen on stage.Anger is portrayed as a very powerful emotion in this play; it is one of the reasons that the two families Montagues and the Capulets cant make the peace. I think that the two young groups are angrier than there parents in the first part of the play e.g. what! Dawn and talk of peace? I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montagues and thee this is said by Tybalt in act I scene1, a Capulet to one of the Montagues at the gas station where the Montagues plead peace. Tybalt is angry because he thinks that because his uncle is in a feu d with his rival he has to start a fight with the enemy to impress his uncle. This is a god example because it starts the story in anger, which makes Romeo and Juliets love in the middle of all the negative emotions seem lost and hopeless.You dont see much anger in the parents until the end of the play e.g. out you green sickness carrion! Out you baggage! You tallow face. This is said by lord Capulet in act 3 scenes 5 when he is in a rage with Juliet because she wont marry Paris because she is still in love with Romeo even though he killed her cousin and has been exiled. I think that her father may be angry with her because she still loves him and not only is he the enemy he killed his nephew. Her father actually hits her and starts shaking her quite roughly, he also strikes her mother when she tries to pull him off Juliet. Juliet is left to the comfort of the nurse who looks after her.Grief is not shown until Tybalt is killed e.g. my wife is dead tonight! Grief of my sons exile ha th stoppd her breath. What further woe conspires against my age? this is said to the prince in act 5 scene 3. I think that this could be that he is trying to appeal to the princes nature to let Romeo back into the city because it is causing others grief. This shows that he does care about his son because through out the play Romeo and his parent dont appear have much of a relationship.Also lady Capulet appeal to the prince for justice against Romeo, I beg for justice, which thou, prince must give. Romeo slew Tybalt: Romeo must not live. She doesnt seem to care that Tybalt killed Mercutio when Romeo was trying to convince Tybalt that he meant peace. She seems to have a more serious relationship with Tybalt than everyone thinks so maybe she grieved more than most because he meant more to her.Hatred is the strongest emotion in this play; it is clearly seen that the feud between the Capulet and the Montagues is truly hatred and that their children grew up with that so they know no diffe rent. Tybalt see Romeo at his party and sees everybody laughing at him because he would let it pass, instead he speaks to his uncle uncle, this is a Montague, our foe, a villain that is hither come in spite, to scorn at our solemnity this night I think that Tybalt enraged that they come to spite his family and the name he honours. Indeed his uncle does not want a scene at his party he has prepared, he tells Tybalt to leave it; he hits Tybalt to get though to him that he doesnt want a scene at his party. It could be that he has grown tired of this violent feud and has matured although he does seem a violent man though out the whole play.Mercutio hates the Capulets although he has no family ties with the Capulets or the Montagues. Something in the way he acts around Romeo makes me think the he values the friendship more than Romeo does. O calm dishonourable, vile submission Tybalt you rat catcher, will you walk? This is said it Tybalt from Mercutio in act1 scene2.This is when Tybalt f irst approaches Romeo at the beach with the intent of killing him of at least do him harm, instead he finds that Romeo is not there so he starts on Mercutio. Mercutio taunts him making him angrier and angrier. When Romeo turns up he pleads peace with Tybalt but he is all in a rage and you can clearly see that he truly hates Romeo and as he tries to harm him, Mercutio steps in the way therefore harming him. It is after this that Romeo hates Tybalt for what he has done and acts rashly and retaliates with dire consequences.Love is the main theme of this play for it is what the story is based on, the love that is forbidden. I think that it is cruel to deny their childrens love for the sake of a feud and the love seems lost in the middle of all the ill feelings of the rivals.It is not only the love between Romeo and Juliet but of friends and family.If thou bent on love honourable, they purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow where and what time thou wilt perform the rite. Juliet to Romeo says this in act 1 scene 2.I think that when she and Romeo have declared their love for each other, all thats left for them to do is marry, because they know that if anyone found out before they were wed they would never see each other again.Juliets mother, Lady Capulet says to Juliet about the marriage proposal from Paris the valiant Paris seeks you for his love. It seems that her parents cant see how wrongly suited for her Paris is, and how in love with Romeo she is later in the play.Her father tries to force her into marrying Paris, because he wants her to have a good life and he thinks that his choice of husbands is the right choice and nobody should question that.Juliet shows how true her love for Romeo is when she fakes her death in order to get out of her marriage to Paris.Although fear is present in this story it seems that both sides of this feud are fearless to some point. When the fight is in action it seems that both sides show no fear. I think that the only fear shown is when the friar fears that Romeo does not know the plan and thinks that his love is really dead. Also when Juliet fears that her family will deny her love e.g. bondage is hoarse, and may not speak aloud with repetition of my Romeos name this is said when Juliet fears that her family will harm Romeo for loving Juliet in act 2 scene 2.Indeed she is scared of what her father might do but at the same deeply in love with Romeo to worry too much about what she is doing.As I said the friar that gave Juliet the poison is fearful because he knows that Romeo does not know that it is poison and not death. He rushes to sends word in another letter but alas he is too late.Despair means complete lack of hope and I think that quite often Juliet feels that there is no hope for her and Romeo e.g.My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown and known too late! Prodigious birth of love to me, that I must love a loathed enemy. Juliet says this in act 1 scene 5. In some ways she is q uite right in this because his father is her fathers rival so in turn she must hate him to. But she loves him and this is why she despairs.O Romeo, Romeo where fore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be sworn my love, and Ill no longer be a Capulet. This is said Romeo by Juliet act 2 scene 2. This is sort of love and despair in the case that she is despairing because she loves Romeo but he is forbidden, and love because she loves him so much that she would refuse her name and take his which would mean abandon her own family.I think that passion differs very much from love in a way that it is almost lust e.g. o trespass sweetly urgd! Give me my sin again This is said by Romeo to Juliet in act 1 scene 5. This is when she kisses him and he is asking for more, but it is a sin because she is not wed to him and she is supposed to be pure for her husband.I think that it is not only love that tells the story but passion too.This was thought of Romeos first love, for he thinks that he is in love with rosaline who should be married to him, organised by her father, even though he has never met or seen her. Show me a mistress that is passing fair: what doth beauty serve but as a note thou canst not teach me to forgetThis is said to Benvolio, Romeos cousin by Romeo about rosaline in act 1 scene 1.Romeo is in love with the idea of love and is so rapped up in the spirit of his love that until he meets Juliet he mistakes excitement for love.Violence seems to me of more of an action rather than an emotion but it is a grate feeling in this play e.g. now by stock and honour of my kin, to strike him dead I hold it not a sinTybalt says this to all montages in act 1 scene5. I said that I thought violence more of an action than an emotion, but you can clearly see here that Tybalt is feeling violence and although he doesnt kill Mercutio until later in the play I think that he really does want to kill all montages for the sake of honour in this family feud. Also I think that Tybalt doesnt consider it a sin to kill all Montagues for he is in the right and they do not deserve the right to live in his eyes.In conclusion I feel that all the emotions contribute to this masterpiece although critics have said the story is a love and hate storyline all the other emotions bring it together.William Shakespeare has included the most intense and intimate emotions and used them to there full extent.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Character Analysis of Lysander From A Midsummer Nights Dream
Character Analysis of Lysander From 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' Lysander bravely challenges Egeus over his choice of a suitor for Hermia. Lysander professes his love for Hermia and exposes Demetrius as inconstant, having rejected Helena in favor of her friend. LYSANDERYou have her fathers love, Demetrius;Let me have Hermias: do you marry him.ââ¬â¹EGEUSScornful Lysander! true, he hath my love,And what is mine my love shall render him.And she is mine, and all my right of herI do estate unto Demetrius.LYSANDERI am, my lord, as well derived as he,As well possessd; my love is more than his;My fortunes every way as fairly rankd,If not with vantage, as Demetrius;And, which is more than all these boasts can be,I am beloved of beauteous Hermia:Why should not I then prosecute my right?Demetrius, Ill avouch it to his head,Made love to Nedars daughter, Helena,And won her soul; and she, sweet lady, dotes,Devoutly dotes, dotes in idolatry,Upon this spotted and inconstant man.(Act 1 Scene 1) Character Motivation Lysander encourages Hermia to run away with him to his auntââ¬â¢s house so that the pair can be married. When in the forest Lysander tries his luck with Hermia, trying to get her to lay with him but he is unable to convince her. When he wakes, he has been wrongly anointed with the love potion and falls in love with Helena. Lysander decides to leave Hermia unprotected on the ground to pursue Helena. This does not cover him in glory but potentially demonstrates the strength of the potion in that we know how much he loved Hermia, but now the potion has moved him to be so repulsed by her that he is willing to leave her alone. There is an argument, therefore, that we cannot blame him for his actions under the powerful influence of the love potion, because if we could, we may not be happy when he is finally reunited with Hermia, as he has been so horrible to her under Puckââ¬â¢s influence: LYSANDERHang off, thou cat, thou burr! vile thing, let loose,Or I will shake thee from me like a serpent!HERMIAWhy are you grown so rude? what change is this?Sweet love,LYSANDERThy love! out, tawny Tartar, out!Out, loathed medicine! hated potion, hence!(Act 3 Scene 2) When the love potion is removed, and the couples are discovered, Lysander bravely explains to Hermiaââ¬â¢s father and Theseus that he encouraged her to elope. This action is courageous because it enrages Egeus - and Lysander knows that it will. Here, Lysander demonstrates his bravery and determination to stick with Hermia no matter the consequences and this endears him to the audience once more. We know Lysander truly loves Hermia and their ending will be a happy one as Theseus will assuage Egeusââ¬â¢ anger. LYSANDERMy lord, I shall reply amazedly,Half sleep, half waking: but as yet, I swear,I cannot truly say how I came here;But, as I think,for truly would I speak,And now do I bethink me, so it is,I came with Hermia hither: our intentWas to be gone from Athens, where we might,Without the peril of the Athenian law.EGEUSEnough, enough, my lord; you have enough:I beg the law, the law, upon his head.They would have stolen away; they would, Demetrius,Thereby to have defeated you and me,You of your wife and me of my consent,Of my consent that she should be your wife.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Circumcision for Female Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Circumcision for Female - Essay Example Female genital mutilation is widely practiced in African and some Asian countries. Due to high rate of mobility and migration of people in different parts of the world, the tradition has in various parts of the world including Europe and United States of America. World Health Organization (2008) estimates the number of women in Africa that have undergone female genital mutilation to be between 100 and 137 million. In African continent alone, over twenty countries practice female circumcision (WHO, 2008). In Asia, most countries in the Middle East including Oman, United Arab Emirates and south Yemen undertake female circumcision on women and young girls. In predominantly Islamic countries in Asia, including Malaysia and Indonesia female genital mutilation is widely practiced (Cook and Dickens, 2002). Female genital mutilation is mainly an ethnic practice that permeates across political and regional boundaries. This explains why it differs in prevalence across different regions in the world. Female genital mutilation is an ancient practice, whose origin remains shrouded in mystery. However Toubia and Izett (1998) note that female circumcision was widely practiced in Egypt by Romans and Arabs at around fifth century. Researchers attribute ethnical and traditional obsessions with chastity and virginity in women as the major motivation for undertaking female circumcision from such an early period (Parker, 2002). Regrettably, the same motivations have ensured the continuity of the practice in the current century especially in many African and Arabic cultures. Fathalla (2000) attributes psychosexual, religious, hygienic and sociologic factors as the main drivers of female genital mutilation in the current century. These factors are mainly based on unscientific and unproven reasoning that are firmly entrenched in societies with low literacy levels and high male dominance. Consequently, the practice is firmly entrenched in the current century with low prospects of abati ng in future. The belief that the clitoris is an aggressive organ that acerbates sexual aggressiveness in women is one of the major psychosexual factors that have resulted to the practice being widely embraced in some of the practicing cultures. This belief is entrenched in societies that subscribe to virginity and chastity of women before marriage with heavy penalties and punishment being meted to the female offenders (Gage and Rossem 2006). Consequently, the practice has advanced to infibulations, a much severe, painful, and damaging procedure that entails removal of all external female genitalia in order to maintain virginity and chastity in unmarried and married women. Religious factors play a role in the perpetuation of the practice. However, Parker (2002) argues that no mainstream religious organization including Islam endorses the practices. Rahman and Toubia (2000) argue that the widespread practicing of female circumcision across different mainstream religious organization is an indicator a widely entrenched ethnical practice that is interwoven with primitive spiritual belief, in order to accord it moral acceptance in a particular culture. Other beliefs that encourage entrenchment of female circumcision include hygiene and aesthetic reasons. According to Parker (2002),
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
MARKETING - Essay Example e study has been considered the IKEA, which has a very good reputation among its competitors due to its unique marketing techniques, which differentiates it from the other companies in the market. In this regard, background information of the IKEA has been discussed, which will allow to consider the company as a customer-oriented company or vice versa. The different operations of the IKEA have been analyzed with relation to it growth in home-furnishing sector of the market. In order to compare its operations and activities, different competitors of the IKEA have been examined and analyzed during the paper. Findings and analysis part has been considered to identify the IKEAââ¬â¢s operations, if they have fallen according to the criteria of the customer-oriented companies. In the marketplace, the strategic position of a product is described by the utilization of four Ps, which is referred as the marketing mix. Although some additional Ps has been integrated by some marketers, but the four Ps are the standardized and typical constituents of the marketing mix, which are promotion, place, price, and the product. (Coe, pp. 23-25) When a specific volume of units is considered for the mass production of an object or a service on a large scale, it is referred as a product. The hotel industry is one of the typical examples of the abovementioned description of the product. Moreover, motorcar, computer operating systems, etc. are some of the uncommon examples of a mass produced service. When a product is produced, the producer requires the payback of expenses that are borne by him/her. In other words, a customer has to pay for the product and the amount is referred as its price. Competition, material costs, market share, and perceived value are some of the factors that determine the price of a product. It is very important that a business organization should select a place that may be effective for product purchases by the customers. In other words, place is another very
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The United States aggravates Global Warming Essay Example for Free
The United States aggravates Global Warming Essay A super power means a State that has control and capacity to perform action the soonest possible time (Greenstein 34). In this regard, the United States, having earned the reputation of a ââ¬Å"Super powerâ⬠has the capability to address looming environmental issues, especially those that directly points them as one of the culprits. Global Warming is caused by the abuse of resources and the consequence of a fast-paced, technologically advanced society, creating a serious environmental issue that warrants dedicated cooperation of various States and government (Jensen 57). United States of America is in a position to effect change and address the issue of global warming, but fails to act on it. As a powerful and influential entity, the United States clearly can guide other States into recognizing the global warming issue and initiate the move for alleviating its impending effects. Nonetheless, the United States remain stubborn and indignant by refusing to participate actively in finding the potential solution to the problem (Baumgartner 63). In this regard, it is but right to claim that United States of America should be blamed for Global Warming. United States contribute larger share of environmental hazards Environmental hazards are every nationââ¬â¢s concern (Greenstein 73). In this regard, nations possess opposing views regarding its relevance to present conditions. For one, the United States has been reluctant in ratifying or becoming a member of conventions pertaining to reduction of carbon gas emissions because it would mean that there is detrimental effect for their economy (Verhoosel 97). But on the contrary, their action would mean more losses in the future because then, all resources would have been exhausted economic Journal 21). Global Warming is a state where the environment undergoes change. More often, this word is associated with change in climate. This is attributable to the fact that changes can only happen when there is human intervention or more appropriately, effects caused by human actions. For this very reason it is appropriate to put the blame on first world nations, more specifically United States. In the quest for improvement and technological advancement, the target is to produce more in order to achieve sustainable development. The United States is the leader in creating innovations and in providing new machineries or equipment to help mankind in the tedious task of manual labor. The vision was realized, but the consequences proved to be greater (Ray 72). In 1990s the United States account for a bigger responsibility in the total carbon emissions, as proven by the proposed reduction of their carbon emissions up to twelve percent during the Kyoto Protocol. Over the years, the noticeable detrimental effects of the fast-paced, technologically advanced lifestyle have prompted countries and various States to take action. Foremost of the concern for the protection of the environment is directed at First World Nations that undeniably contribute more to the decline of our environmental condition. This is mainly attributable to the fact that highly industrialized and technologically advance countries would naturally need more resources to utilize, and in so doing, reach a point of abusing what the environment has to offer. Utilization of such raw materials would require the help of machineries that mostly work by using petroleum or gas that emits harmful substances in our surroundings (Verhoosel 82). Given this scenario and counting the years that have gone by since we first started using such tools, it would ultimately result to the inevitable degradation of our mother earth. Environmental summits have been conducted to alleviate the condition of our environment. This is proof that the concern for our environmental situation has tremendously increased over the years. Accountability as Super Power Way back in the early 1990s, countries and states have searched for ways to curb if not totally eradicate the looming environmental concerns. Proof of that is the Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro. The purpose of this convention is to recognize the problem of global warming and to identify its link to human actions (Jeppessen 27). Identifying such human causes could inevitably lead to more solutions for the problem. But the efforts remained futile. Member States could not reach an agreement point where all will participate and contribute for the development of the society. The Green house effect is the result of gas emissions, more specifically carbon dioxide. According to the IPC or the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change, there has been a significant change in the temperature during the latter parts of the twentieth century, prompting them to analyze and come up with the conclusion that this effect is tremendously caused by the Green house effect. This includes drastic changes in the environment, noticeable irregularities in the sea level, which could affect the production of crops and other agricultural harvest, thereby creating more problems for farmers and others who rely on the natural resources for food and daily living. World Politics determine the relationship that exists among states today. Even the course of history is greatly affected by the decision of the political elites. These so-called Political Elites comprise of State leaders, Prime Ministers, President and Monarchs, all of which have respective power and influence to have an impact in the international community (Neustadt, 17). The reason why leaders are oftentimes called the Makers and the Movers of world history is because highlighting the fact that leadersââ¬â¢ dominance and influence come into play when politics is concerned, and sometimes doing away with what really happened but focusing on who made it happen. This is attributable to the fact that as world leaders, they are expected to and assumed to make a positive difference in the International Community. It would be logical to deal with the situation having in mind that whoever are the responsible entities for such dilemma, given the fact that it would be fair and just to be answerable for the impact of certain statesââ¬â¢ action in reference to the environment. The more important aspect of this realization is finding what the solution is and who needs to be accountable for the bigger share of the problem. This detrimental effect of green house is directly linked to industrialized countries that make use of high amount of gas, producing emissions. Given this fact, it is but right to point out that the United States, being a first world nation, is highly industrialized as shown by the various industries, companies and technologically advanced gadgets available in their market. This data would put a stronghold on the claim that United States, takes advantage of the environment by utilizing the resources to the point of exhausting the natural resources provided by mother earth. It would be logical to make United States answerable for the detrimental effects of green house, since they contribute the bigger part to the problem at hand. United States superiority In the Kyoto Protocol, The United States is directly affected because it seeks to lower carbon emissions up to twelve percent (Narula 102). If these conditions are imposed, large portion of the US economy will be affected tremendously, this is the reason why the United States takes advantage of their superiority and uses it to evade such conventions (Ray 213). The reason why up to now, the United States ha snot yet signed the Kyoto Protocol is because they refuse to be controlled. They do not want to take part in the convention if developing countries would not sign. This is a classic example of a super power that refuses to feel obliged to follow other States who are much inferior. Despite the fact that among the effects of global warming caused by the green house effect includes extinctions of various species that cannot adapt to the extreme weather, floods and the unbearable drought can also result from such effect and most importantly, diseases an increase given the irregularity in the weather, the United States remain stubborn. This prompted to more scientists studying and assessing the real causes of the decline in the earthââ¬â¢s environmental condition. Years after, the analysis was still the same. The environment is suffering a great deal because of human influence. The actions of the people towards the surroundings greatly affect the environment which led to its degradation. This served as the alarm bells of environment, leading for the member states to hold another convention called the Kyoto Protocol. This convention emphasized the need for the reduction of emissions caused by carbon dioxide. It is proposed that industrialized countries should make a commitment to lower their carbon gas emissions. The United States did not ratify such convention since they are contesting the condition that they should lower their gas emissions unlike developing countries. But the question lies in who gives more detrimental effect to the environment? Are the developing countries the bigger contributor of problem? It does not appear that way. The reason why the United States is being given a hard time is because of the fact that as an industrialized country, they contribute more gas emissions than what our environment can handle. Given this scenario, it is but just to impose on the United States higher responsibility for their actions. Conclusion The United States should take an active part in earth summit and convention such as Kyoto Protocol. By becoming part of environmental preservation agreements, the United States can show what it means to become a leader. The environment is a very important source of natural wealth. In this sense, it means that all resources that various States and Countries utilize for the development of their respective nations come from the surroundings. To take care of the environment would be the foremost responsibility of States and Countries alike. The promise of economic growth is very appealing, for it will address various economic problems and even pave way for social dilemmas faced by these countries. However, it would be detrimental to neglect looming environmental issues in the midst of progress. The environment is the lifeblood of all nations. All income sources emanate from the environment. Discoveries and technological advancements would not be realized if the environment does not possess the needed raw materials. In this sense, it is but right to give back to mother earth what she freely gave us. The first world nations, being the powerful States should show its power to lead developing countries in the preservation of the environment. Instead of using their power to contradict positive environmental conventions and use it to their advantage, Countries that are regarded as the most influential and powerful nations should strive hard to see to it that the aims of environmental conservation are well favored and observed. Given the influence and the right tools for information dissemination, the United States of America should own up to its reputation as a super power. By using this for the promotion of environmental concerns, their role as a super power is more than just instilling fears but also upholding truths and values. REFERENCES Jensen, Lloyd. Explaining Foreign Policy. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice Hall, 1982. Ray, James Lee. Democracies and International Conflict. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1995. Greenstein, Fred. Personality and Politics . Princeton, N. J: Princeton University Press, 1987. Neustadt, Richard. Presidential Power. New York: Wiley, 1976. Graham, Allison. Essence of Decision. Boston: Little Brown, 1981. Baumgartner, Frank. Agendas and Instability in American Politics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. Young, Oran. System and Society in World Affairs: Implications for International Organizations. New York: Mc Millan Narula, R, Dunning, JH, 2000. ââ¬Å"Industrial development. Globalization and multinational enterprises: new realities for developing countries. â⬠Oxford Development Studies, vol. 28, pp. 141-167.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essays --
Biomedical engineering is a rapidly growing field of research that is making exciting discoveries and advancements in the field of medicine at an astounding pace. With such progress there are many ethical issues that arise concerning new innovative implants, medical devices, and diagnosis and therapeutic treatments in the field of biomedical engineering in order to improve an individualââ¬â¢s quality of life. Neuroethics in particular has become a big topic of debate as researchers gradually decode the complex organism called the human brain. The brain has long been an enigma, its intricate inner workings perplexing even the most scholarly of intellectuals for decades. Recent advancements in neuroimaging, brain implants, and scientistsââ¬â¢ increased knowledge of basic human psychology concerning the bases of individual behavior and personality have led to the fear that this new gained information has the potential to be misused by governments and other entities. Ethicist fear that the same devices meant to help patients suffering from devastating neural diseases could be manipulated to breach oneââ¬â¢s privacy. Devices and treatments used to cure or alleviate effects of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimerââ¬â¢s and Parkinsonââ¬â¢s, or perhaps to help those who have mental illnesses or impairments could be used to decipher oneââ¬â¢s hidden thoughts, and even used as a way to discriminate against someone based on oneââ¬â¢s religious beliefs and values. The main areas of Neuroethics that have caused concern are brain implants and medical devices, neuroimaging, and brain machine interfacing. Implantable brain or neural devices are an exciting rapidly growing research area in class of biomedical devices. Brain implants usually function by interfering w... ... of the brain and the more complex interworkingââ¬â¢s of the human mind. As a result the field of Neuroscience is making strides in medicine and engineering at an astounding rate with no prospect of slowing down in the near future. With such great innovation in biomedical engineering concerning brain implants, neuroimaging, and brain machine interfacing meant to improve the quality of life of individuals. The potential misuse of this technology is of great concern. As engineers grow closer to producing brain scanners that can read someoneââ¬â¢s mind or neuroimaging machines that can be used to predict behavior and influence thoughts and emotions, Neuroethics must be a moral compass at the forefront of the field of biomedical engineering in area of neuroscience to ensure that ultimately the rights and privacy of the individuals the technology is meant to help are protected.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Hester Prynne
Hester Prynne signifies a women of grace and wild spirit. Strong-willed and beautiful, Hester Prynne has also defied the Puritans ways. Though she is ladylike and prideful, she is faced with the trouble of being a sinner. The innocence of any human can be taken away in a flash, and in the case of Hester Prynne, her innocence escapes her after she commits a horrific sin. Hester is immediately isolated in her town because she commits an act of adultery, resulting in a Scarlet Letter forever engraved on her bosom, serving as a constant reminder of the mistakes in her past.In many ways throughout The Scarlet Letter, Hester overcomes her sin and redeems herself to her town, revealing her inner power and strength. Even though Hesterââ¬â¢s situation leaves forces her to be an outcast in the town, she still confines strength and discards the label of being an ââ¬Å"Adulteressâ⬠by showing stability. Hester Prynne is the main symbol of isolation and alienation throughout The Scarlet Letter.Nathaniel Hawthorne emphasizes her isolation by writing that she is ââ¬Å" Alone in the world, cast off by it, and with this sole treasure to keep her heart alive, she felt that she possessed the indefeasible rights against the worldâ⬠(Hawthorne 100) because of her sin. As a symbol of evil and darkness, Hester is viewed by her strict Puritan town as an outsider. After Hesterââ¬â¢s crime of adultery was known to all, Hester's reputation and appearance of what people viewed her as is completely changed and her goodness started going unnoticed.The town's harsh thoughts of her sin are revealed through a local woman as she testifies that ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ At the very least, they should have put the brand of hot iron on Hester Prynne's foreheadâ⬠(Hawthorne 36). Hester never escapes the feelings of being alienated in the progression of her life. Her ââ¬Å"ornament,ââ¬âthe scarlet letter,ââ¬âwhich was her doom to wearâ⬠(Hawthorne 79) was shown throughout t own, sequestering her from everyone else. Hester knows that even if she was allowed to take off the letter, ââ¬Å"It is too deeply brandedâ⬠(Hawthorne 63) and always be imprinted in her heart.This makes Hester disconnected from her holy society and forces her to become a ââ¬Å"black flowerâ⬠(Hawthorne 45). Though Hester is isolated, she is still able to find strength in herself. Hester Prynne is very unique and different from the other women in her town because of her ââ¬Å"richness of complexionâ⬠(Hawthorne 50). A lot of her strength is revealed in the beginning of The Scarlet Letter. One of these very early examples of her strength is when Hester is put in front of the town on a scaffold.Instead of Hester shaming away from her sin when she is put in front of her town, she ââ¬Å"appeared more lady-likeâ⬠(Hawthorne 50) and confident in herself. Even when Hester has been publicly humiliated and is forced to continue wearing The Scarlet Letter on her chest, she does not try to hide her sin. As she stood there with ââ¬Å"a certain state and dignityâ⬠(Hawthorne 50) in front of the judgemental Puritans, she overcomes fear and confines her strength. Not only does she show her toughness by not concealing her sin, but she also begins to change peopleââ¬â¢s negative opinions about her.Hester shows her goodness in the community by helping the poor and making clothes. Hesterââ¬â¢s new attitudes allow the people to begin to interpret Hesterââ¬â¢s Scarlet Letter differently because of her kindness. Instead of being known as the unacceptable adulterer, ââ¬Å"they said that it meant ââ¬Å"Ableâ⬠; so strong was Hester Prynne, with a womanââ¬â¢s strengthâ⬠(Hawthorne 158). This shows that Hester puts her determination above all and is able to step out of her isolation by giving back to her community. These actions enable her to fit in again as a normal citizen and redeem herself as the woman she knows she can be.All in all, it is difficult for many people to look past their own unfortunate situations and the actions for which they hold remorse. However, unlike many others, Hester is eventually able to just that. Hester experiences a great deal of suffering due to her past sin of adultery, but despite that she is still able to overcome that through her dignity and strong-will. Hester proves that The Scarlet Letter was not needed to be taken off in order for Hester to change. She also disregards multiple offerings to remove the devilââ¬â¢s mark from her bosom, and responds by saying that ââ¬Å"It is too deeply branded.Ye cannot take it off. With that I might endure his agony, as well as mineâ⬠(Hawthorne 63). She clearly accepted her sin and stayed strong not only herself but for Pearl and the other around her to come full circle by the end of the novel. The Scarlet Letter provides great challenges for Hester, but she does not let the struggles get to her. By staying a strong and determined woman, Hester changes her entire life for the better and comes around to redeem herself in her small Puritan town.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Age Of Unimagined Levels Of Violence Education Essay
If we are to learn existent peace in the universe we shall hold to get down with kids.ââ¬â Mahatma Gandhi ( Father of the Nation ) Peace, as an integrative position for the school course of study, is an thought whose clip has come. Education for peace acknowledges the end of advancing a civilization of peace as the intent determining the enterprise of instruction. Education for peace is instruction for life, and non simply developing for a support. Equiping persons with the values, accomplishments, and attitudes they need to be wholesome individuals who live in harmoniousness with others and as responsible citizens is the end of the instruction for peace. It is really necessary in a state like India as the state is full of diverseness whether it is faith, linguistic communication, rites, traditions, imposts. And there are incidents with in the state when the struggles between different spiritual communities or linguistic communications communities had arisen and took the signifier of force. Violence is an easy arm to respond to the jobs and today ââ¬Ës young person is going more and more familiar or used to o f this ââ¬Å" unwanted arm â⬠. Children get all these values and attitudes from their experiences which they gained in the school or at place. So, there is an pressing demand for the instruction for peace so that the citizens of tomorrow can be empowered to take the manner of peace. Necessary accomplishments, values and attitudes required for the peace demand to be developed and inculcated in kids if we want to hold a safe and progressing hereafter for all of us.Policy Enterprises:The credence of instruction for peace as a necessary ingredient of holistic instruction was due to the rise and spread of force. Decade of 2000-2010 was declared as the international decennary for publicity of a civilization of peace and non-violence by the UNESCO. But Indian instruction committees have ever recommended instruction for peace in many signifiers, but these recommendations are non being applied even today. The study of the Secondary Education Commission ( 1952-53 ) stated that ââ¬Å" the supreme terminal of the educative procedure should be the preparation of the character and personality of pupils in such a manner that they will be able to recognize their full potencies and contribute to the wellbeing of the community â⬠. The Kothari instruction Commission ( 1964-66 ) put the limelight on the instruction and national development and said that ââ¬Å" absence of proviso for instruction in societal, moral and religious values is a serious defect in the course of study â⬠. The National Policy on Education ( 1986 ) advocated turning instruction into ââ¬Å" a forceful tool for the cultivation of societal and moral values â⬠. The programme of Action ( 1992 ) tried to incorporate the assorted constituents of value instruction into the course of study at the all phases of school instruction. National Curriculum Framework ( 2005 ) recommended that instruction in true sense should authorise persons to clear up their values ; to enable them to take witt ing and calculated determinations, taking into awareness the effects of their actions ; to take the manner of peace instead than force. Therefore, our instruction system has ever followed instruction for peace but these enterprises remained mostly on the paper even today due to assorted grounds like deficiency of proper preparation of instructors in their function as peace builders ; course of study burden ; absence of right attitudes and patterns in the school ; improper pedagogical and rating patterns ; violent societal ambiance etc.Land Worlds:Needs and desires are the steering motive for worlds. If our demands are non fulfilled, so we are in a province of struggle which can non take to peaceable ways of life and on the other manus desires are ever limitless and therefore they besides lead to some signifier of force ( like aggression ) if unfulfilled. A celebrated psychologist Abraham Maslow ( 1968 ) identified human demands and stated that human demands move in a hierarchy ( fig. 1 ) . If the demands of one bed are non satisfied so the demands of other bed can non be fulfilled and fulfilment of these demands is n ecessary for set uping peace because instability in these demands can do struggles and aggression in worlds and these are the first grounds of force. In India, many people are still non able to carry through even their basic demands and offense, force, aggression, struggles, depressions ; self-destructions are consequence of it. So, in this scenario, instruction for peace becomes truly of import for all of us so that struggles and jobs can be resolved in peaceable ways. We are societal animate beings, non self-contained islands. Autonomy, as Gandhi Jemaah Islamiyah pointed out, must non be mistaken for autonomy. We need each other. Mutuality is the human face of autonomy. How we respond and relate to others is a important component in our personalities. If this be the instance, instruction demands to foster in pupils the values and accomplishments that enable them to populate in harmoniousness with others. Jacques Delors ( 1996 ) identifies ââ¬Å" populating together in harmoniousness â⬠as one of the four pillars of instruction. The current pattern of instruction is unequal to advance the art of life together in harmoniousness. Students are nurtured in a spirit of competition and trained, from the beginning, to associate to facts and objects. Learning takes topographic point in a background isolated from the universe of relationships and worlds. Learning of this sort comprises, as Charles Dickens ( 2003 ) lamented in Hard Times, ââ¬Å" facts , facts and nil but facts â⬠. Today ââ¬Ës society is based on the thought of net income and competition and these two things are easy reflected in our present educational system where classs and Markss matter more than anything else. Present instruction turns kids into intellectual machines that maestro facts and are mastered by them. Our instruction leaves the kids deficient in emotional and relational accomplishments. As a consequence, the more ââ¬Å" achievement-oriented â⬠a individual is less able he tends to be associating to people, even beloved 1s, sensitively, in return and responsibly. The disaffection between caput and bosom is the by-product of the current theoretical account of instruction. Religion in force as a quick-fix job convergent thinker is an emerging moving ridge. This force can be seeable in the signifier of physical penalty or unseeable in the signifier of competition or craving for accomplishment. Agenda-wars in workplaces, gender-wars in places, propaganda wars in the public infinite, force is everyplace in one or the other signifier. We have got accustomed of force in many signifiers but fact is that we do n't even acknowledge this and kids observe all these things and larn to follow their seniors. Peace begins with the person and spreads to the household, to the community, to the state and to the planetary small town.Education for Peace:We should guarantee that the instruction we impart is favourable to the well-being and integrity of India. Peace is a premier demand for advancement and national integrating. Implementing instruction for peace is non merely an appropriate scheme for struggle declaration and struggle turning away, but besides a practical p lus in recognizing ââ¬Å" the India of our dreams â⬠. Every society in every age has acknowledged peace as a baronial and necessary ideal. Education for peace can do larning a joyful and meaningful experience if implemented with energy and vision. In today ââ¬Ës universe, haste and worry sour the joy of acquisition and challenge acquisition and harmoniousness of life. Values acquire lost in this ambiance of competition. Valuess are internalized through experience, which is unhappily missing in the schoolroom centered and entirely cognitive attack to learning. Education for peace calls for the freedom of larning from the boundaries of the schoolroom and its transmutation into a jubilation of consciousness enlivened with the delectation of find. Education for peace contextualizes larning. We live in an age of unprecedented force: locally, nationally and globally. It is a serious affair that schools, which are meant to be the baby's rooms of peace, go transmittal points for force. Education for peace seeks to foster the cognition, accomplishments, attitudes and values that comprise a civilization of peace. Education for peace is holistic. Education for peace has a double intent: ( a ) to authorise persons to take the way of peace instead than the way of force ; ( B ) to enabling them to be conciliators instead than consumers of peace.An attack to Education for Peace:The peace chances hidden in the course of study are maximized when the school ambiance is inspired with the values and attitudes of peace. Teacher-student interactions, lesson designs in text editions, the pedagogic attack and the entire life of school must all be oriented towards peace. The pedagogic scheme for instruction for peace is that of integrating. The incorporate attack has an border over the ââ¬Å" separate capable attack â⬠. Constructivist psychological science has established that kids construct cognition holistically. When cognition is rooted in suited contexts, it becomes more meaningful and gratifying for the scholar. In the incorporate attack, the lessons and subjects become the vehicles to convey peace messages in meaningful contexts. This attack non merely makes the capable affair wholesome and situated but besides motivates pupils to larn and to associate what they learn to their ain scenes. It provides contexts and connexions to research, believe, reflect, and internalise positive temperaments. Therefore, every instructor becomes a peace pedagogue. Teacher-student interactions, text edition lessons and the teaching method for learning them, and the school direction and administrative staff must all be oriented to education for peace.ROLE OF TEACHERS IN EDUCATION FOR PEACE:For pupils, instructors are role-models. Therefore, instructors play a function, unconsciously, in propagating force if they are non oriented to peace. As the expression goes, ââ¬Å" What I teach is what I know and what I educate is what I am. â⬠A instructor ââ¬Ës premier duty is to assist pupils go good human existences, motivated to carry through their true potency non merely for their ain benefit but besi des for the improvement of the society as a whole. It is for this ground that a instructor is compared to a nurseryman who workss seeds of cognition and good values, Waterss them with attention and kindness, and removes weeds of ignorance. Good instructors are theoretical accounts of peace values, such as, the art of hearing, the humbleness to admit and rectify one ââ¬Ës errors, presuming duty for one ââ¬Ës actions, sharing concerns, and assisting each other to work out jobs exceeding differences, even if they do non recommend peace. A instructor who imposes ââ¬Å" subject â⬠in the schoolroom merely by endangering kids with blows and smacks is a role-model for force as the lone problem-solving scheme. The instructor ââ¬Ës function in making a positive clime in the schoolroom is of critical importance. It is his/ her attitudes, values, and relationships that determine the nature of the schoolroom clime. A instructor who, from a peace position, can critically measure his/her attitudes, accustomed manners of thought, and attack to teaching-what one Teachs and what are the carry-over values of what is taught and how it is taught-is an plus for instruction for peace. ââ¬Å" Teachers are mirror of approaching coevalss in the signifier of pupils and an effectual component of set uping peaceable ambiance â⬠. The function of instructors towards a kid ââ¬Ës instruction is to make a lovingness environment in the schoolroom. Teachers who listen to what the pupils have to state and develop a course of study that is meaningful to the kids have the most successful pupils. Teachers with a concern for the demands of the pupils and a child-centered doctrine have concerted pupils who look frontward to larning. Children close their ears to advice and open their eyes to illustration. This is particularly true in the Indian context where instructors are respected as the beginning of cognition and wisdom. Students will larn peace values merely if these are modeled by their instructors and seniors. If there is a mismatch between what grownups do and what they say, pupils will copy what is done. Teachers need to be cognizant of the consequence of their behavior on pupils. For illustration, alternatively of cheering pupils to ââ¬Å" care for others â⬠, it is more effectual to pattern this value and allow pupils build their ain apprehension of it.Pedagogical Schemes:The common pedagogic end for instructors is syllabus and scrutiny oriented. In peace-oriented teaching method, the focal point is non simply on keeping of constructs, memorisation of texts, or accomplishing single ends and excellence but on larning to reflect, portion, attention, and collaborate with each other. Every topic/less on has peace- concealed constituents, which need to be communicated with purposeful be aftering from a positive and humanistic position. The methods of instruction should be originative, child-centered, largely experiential, and participatory. There is ample range in the course of study of assorted capable countries for learning pupils the importance of following peaceable agencies of deciding dissensions and struggles and avoiding force ; and instructors need to take full advantage of this. Teaching should excite positive feelings and surrogate positive experiences, aid in geting at an apprehension of the ego, promote openness to inquiry by raising inquiries, researching, and detecting and building an apprehension of values, and supply an chance for using the cognition of values the pupil has learnt. Schemes like inquiries, narratives, anecdotes, games, experiments, treatments, duologues, value elucidation, illustrations, analogies, metaphors, role-play, and simulation are helpful in advancing peace through teaching-learning. In all of this, what stands out is the important function that the instructor plays in an attack to education that promotes a civilization of peace. The fact that larning has to needfully be pupil-oriented does non belie this. Learning can be pupil-oriented merely if the instructor facilitates it. For instruction for peace, a great trade depends on the peace-motivation of instructors, particularly in the incorporate attack. The instructor has to be watchful to peace chances and originative in allowing them in regard of the course of study as a whole.Challenges in forepart of instruction for peace:Education for peace brushs many jobs when integrated with in the instruction larning procedure. Curriculum burden is one of them. Curriculum burden has serious practical deductions for implementing instruction for peace. Completion of course of study Acts of the Apostless as the terminal merchandise itself and the intent of instruction get lost in this ââ¬Å" race â⬠. Second, rating patterns encourage competition and everyone wants to larn merely for first-class classs and Markss because these Markss make them eligible for higher paid and reputed employment chances. Third, teacher instruction does non fit the scholars with invention and imaginativeness and they were non even sensitized about their function as peace builders. Fourth day-to-day patterns of school do non reflect peace. Discrimination and unfairness are the signif ier of force and schools are still perpetuating the favoritism which is based on gender and caste. Fifth the media is permeant presence today and kids observe and follow a batch from the ocular media. Most of the reactions of the young person today are greatly inspired by the movies. Sixth, societal force per unit area and competition to travel in front from others excessively challenge instruction for peace as everyone wants a speedy solution. Peoples do n't hold faith in peaceable methods.Decision:Therefore, instruction for peace is the necessity of today and schools should incorporate aspirations to peace and related values and accomplishments. It should be compulsory to guarantee that schools are free from prejudiced attitudes and patterns based on caste and gender. School instruction involves the formative old ages in a individual ââ¬Ës life, so child centered, integrated and constructivist pedagogical and appraising schemes should be adopted so that kids can research, inqui re and larn to be the builders of cognition every bit good as of the peace. Teacher instruction demands to be transformed harmonizing to the demands and aspirations of present times because instructors can be societal therapists. Teachers must be equipped with the constructivist and incorporate attacks of the teaching-learning procedure. Education for peace demands to be seen as an endeavor for mending and regenerating the state as it can trip the holistic vision for instruction. In Indian context, instruction for peace is every bit responsible for the riddance of all signifiers of favoritism and inequality whether it is based on gender, caste or economical footing. Education for peace must be understood as the instruction for life every bit good as for the bright, progressive and peaceable hereafter. REFRENCES: Delors, J. ( 1996 ) . Learning the Treasure within: Report of International Commission on Education for the twenty-first Century. Paris: UNESCO. Dewey, J. ( 1916 ) . Democracy and Education, London: The Free Press. Government of India ( 1953 ) . Report of the Secondary Education Commission, ( 1952-53 ) . New Delhi: Ministry of Education, Government of India. Government of India ( 1966 ) . Report of the Education Commission 1964-66 on ââ¬Å" Education and National Development â⬠. New Delhi: Ministry of Education, Government of India. Government of India. ( 1986 ) . Report of the National Policy on Education ( 1986 ) . New Delhi, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India. Government of India ( 1993 ) . Learning without Burden. New Delhi: Ministry of Human Resources Development ( MHRD ) , Department of Education, Government of India. Maslow, A. H. ( 1968 ) . Towards a Psychology of Being, 2e. New York: Van Nostrand Reinholf. National Council of Educational Research and Training ( NCERT ) ( 2000 ) . National Curriculum Framework for School Education. New Delhi: NCERT. National Curriculum Framework ( 2005 ) : New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training. Piaget, J. ( 1973 ) : To understand is to contrive ; New York: Grossman. UNESCO ( 2001 ) . Learning the Way of Peace. A Teachers ââ¬Ë Guide to Education for Peace. New Delhi: UNESCO. Woolfolk, A. ( 2007 ) : Educational Psychology ( 10th Edition ) ; Canada: Pearson Publishers.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Bookstore v. Amazon
The Bookstore v. Amazon There are readers who like bookstores and readers who prefer Amazon. Pitting them against each other is like telling people they ought to like Coca Cola over Pepsi. They have their reasons, and you wont change them. Most of the time. ââ¬Å"If the bookshops are good enough, if the relationship with your customers is truly there, if your booksellers are enjoying themselves and youââ¬â¢ve trained them and youââ¬â¢ve respected them and youââ¬â¢ve allowed them to develop their skillsâ⬠¦ then our customers truly will remain loyal to us.â⬠~James Daunt, managing director of Waterstones, at the 2017 Australian Booksellers Associationââ¬â¢s annual conference in Melbourne But sometimes bookstore employees forget. Sometimes they let their personal feelings float to the surface, and therein lies a key reason people go to Amazon versus a bookstore . . . to purchase a book of choice in a nonjudgmental atmosphere. They want toà feel the store is benign, much like a doctor who treats anyone, regardless of who they are or what disease they have. Take away that safe feeling , and both a bookstore and a doctor loses credibility . . . and business. I love the blog, The Passive Voice. Recently, PG (the blogger) wrote about a bookstore worker who struggled with store visitors when they asked about or purchased books that the worker did not believe in. PG mentioned in the end that readers prefer a judgment-free zone like Amazon over a meatspace retail with a side of attitude.à thepassivevoice.com/2017/07/a-booksellers-elegy/ I would like to take bookstore consideration one step further. How does a bookstore treat an author? Whether a fledgling indie author or a New York Times best selling author ten times over, the human is still there. And any writer is a rabid reader, with word-of-mouth power. And a small-time local author will tout that small-town indie bookstore much louder than that big-town author who flew in and out. Without a doubt, bookstores prefer best-selling authors for sales. But there are ways of delivering the message when a bookstore can only purchase so many books or house so many signings, and a smart bookstore owner would benefit A lot of this attitude concerning bookstores explains a lot. At a bookstore, we find atmosphere and personality . . . but is it the personality you want? At Amazon, we find the widest selection of books and a market that doesnt judge. Bookstore ownerloveà everyone who comes in the door and respectà their choices. Let them know they are cherished individuals, and youll do anything to make them happy. Theyll love you back, I promise.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Blood Analysis
Blood is a fluid substance that circulates in the arteries and veins of the body. Blood is bright red or scarlet when it has been oxygenated in the lungs and passes into the arteries; it becomes bluish red when it has given up its oxygen to nourish the tissues of the body and is returning to the lungs through the veins and the tiny vessels called capillaries. In the lungs, the blood gives up the carbon dioxide wastes it has taken from the tissues, receives a new supply of oxygen, and begins a new cycle. This movement of blood is brought about by the coordinate activity of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Plagiarism Detection >Blood is composed of a yellowish fluid, called plasma, in which are suspended the millions of cells that constitute about 45 percent by volume of whole blood. It has a characteristic odor and a specific gravity between 1.056 and 1.066. In an average healthy adult, the volume of blood is one-eleventh of the body weight, or between 4.5 and 6 liters (5 and 6 qt ). A great portion of the plasma is composed of water, a medium that facilitates the circulation of the many indispensable factors of which blood is composed. A cubic millimeter of human blood contains about 5 million red corpuscles called erythrocytes; 5000 to 10,000 white corpuscles called leukocytes; and 200,000 to 300,000 platelets called thrombocytes. The blood also carries many salts and organic substances in solution.Blood type, in medicine, classification of red blood cells by the presence of specific substances on their surface. Typing of red blood cells is a prerequisite for blood transfusion. In the early part of the 20th century, physicians discovered that blood transfusions often failed because the blood type of the recipient was not compatible with that of the donor. In 1901 the Austrian pathologist Karl Landsteiner classified blood types and discovered that they were transmitted by Mendelian heredity .The four blood types are known as A, B, AB, and O. Blood type A con tains red blood cells that have a substance A on their surface. This type of blood also contains an antibody directed against substance B, found on the red cells of persons with blood type B. Type B blood contains the reverse combination. Serum of blood type AB contains neither antibody, but red cells in this type of blood contain both A and B substances. In type O blood, neither substance is present on the red cells, but the individual is capable of forming antibodies directed against red cells containing substance A or B. If blood type A is transfused into a person with B type blood, anti-A antibodies in the recipient will destroy the transfused A red cells. Because O type blood has neither substance on its red cells, it can be given successfully to almost any person. Persons with blood type AB have no antibodies and can receive any of the four types of blood; thus blood types O and AB are called universal donors and universal recipients, respectively.Other hereditary blood-group systems have subsequently been discovered. The hereditary blood constituent called Rh factor is of great importance in obstetrics and blood transfusions because it creates reactions that can threaten the life of newborn infants. Blood types M and N have importance in legal cases involving proof of paternity.A chemist uses liquid chromatography to analyze a complex mixture of substances. The chromatograph utilizes an adsorbtive medium, which when placed in contact with a sample, adsorbs the various constituents of the sample at different rates. In this manner, the components of a mixture are separated. Chromatography has many valuable applications, such as determining the level of pollutants in air, analyzing drugs, and testing blood and urine samples.Gas chromatography separates the volatile constituents of a sample, and liquid/liquid chromatography separates small, neutral molecules in solution. The goal in conducting a separation is to produce a purified or partly purified form of the desired constituent for analytical measurement, or to eliminate other constituents that would interfere with the measurement, or both. Separation is often unnecessary when the method is highly specific, or selective, and responds to the desired constituent while ignoring others. Measuring the pH, or hydrogen ion content, of blood with a glass electrode is an example of a measurement that does not require a separation step.QHP 7694 Head Space Sampler is a machine that equilibrates the sample vials at the desired temperature for the specified time period. A needle then punctures the teflon coated septum at the top of the vial and draws a measured sample of the vapor which it sends to the Gas Chromatograph.HP 5890 Gas Chromatograph. This machine takes the vapor from the Head Space Sampler and passes it through a packed column designed specifically for alcohol in blood. As the vapor passes through this column, different compounds will travel at different rates thus exiting at diffe rent times. As the separated compounds exit, they pass through a Flame Ionizing Device (FID) which consists of a hydrogen-oxygen flame and ionizing detectors. The intensity of the ionization is measured and sent to the computer for processing. Helium Carrier Gas carries the vapors through the Gas Chromatograph. A Power Macintosh 7600 is used for report generation, correspondence and on line communication. Reports are printed using a variety of laser printers to insure optimum print quality. Blood samples are quantitatively added to an aqueous solution into which an internal standard has been added in order to compensate for sampling fluctuations within the Gas Chromatograph. Static head space methodology is employed in which an aliquot of equilibrated vapor is injected and analyzed by a Flame Ionization Detector in the Gas Chromatograph,which consists of a hydrogen-oxygen flame and ionizing detectors. The intensity of the ionization is measured and sent to the computer for processin g. Helium Carrier Gas carries the vapors through the Gas Chromatograph.Blood analysis is very important in many different situations. For example, in forensics, if a bloodstain pattern is obtained, analysis is vital. BPA (Bloodstain Pattern Analysis) may on many occasions, clearly define the location of the victim or the assailant by establishing the actions of either or both. Possible and impossible scenarios may be established to determine if the victim, witness, orassailant is accurately describing what took place.Some questions that may be answered are: What type of weapon or impact occurred to cause the bloodstains present? How many times was the victim struck ? Where was the victim at the time the injuries were inflicted? Where was the assailant during and following the assault? Is the bloodstain evidence consistent with the medical examiner findings? Is the bloodstain evidence on the suspect and his clothing consistent with the crime scene? Numerous courts throughout the coun try have upheld the value and scientific reliability of BPA. Court case information is available upon request. BPA is a valuable asset during and after the initial investigation. BPA has been extremely valuable during the establishment of the courtroom trial strategy.Blood analysis can be very important in testing for drugs. If drugs are in your system, your blood can be tested using more sophisticated means than static head space gas chromatography. You can also use urine tests and breath tests. Urine, however is the least reliable, while blood is the most.DNA Detection is a very important part of blood analysis. Thanks to a powerful biochemical tool called polymerase chain reaction (PCR), it is possible to detect incredibly tiny amounts of particular DNA molecules. Even one single molecule can be enough!DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the central molecule of life. It contains sequences of information coded along its length. The information tells cells how to build protein molecules . PCR uses proteins called enzymes, combined with small pieces of DNA called primers. The primers match the sequence of the target molecule (the one being looked for) and the enzymes make lots more of any matching molecules. The result is that one matching molecule is multiplied into billions! DNA is very important because nobody has the same DNA pattern. Every single personââ¬â¢s is different. DNA also lasts forever, it never disappears.Bibliography:Bibliography http://www.letsfindout.com/subjects/body/rfipulma.htmlhttp://www.watchtower.org/medical_care_and_blood.htmhttp://www.letsfindout.com/subjects/body/veins.htmlhttp://www.encyclopedia.com/articles/01579.htmlhttp://www.letsfindout.com/subjects/body/rfiblood.html Plagiarism Detection >Blood Encarta Encyclopedia Blood Type Encarta EncyclopediaForensics- Encarta Encyclopedia
Saturday, November 2, 2019
History According to Neo-Conservative Historians Essay
History According to Neo-Conservative Historians - Essay Example Strauss believed liberal government policies were providing the masses with rights, power, and leisure that their simple minds neither deserved, nor were capable of responsibly wielding. Invariably, according to Strauss and Neo-Cons, the devolved masses give rise to Hitler-like evil. Strauss firmly and fully believed that the inherent weakness and ignorance of the masses, social-liberal policies, and the "excess" freedom of leisure coupled with the right to choose their own leaders provided the ingredients for humanitys demise. For Strauss, these devolved masses required strong authoritarian leadership comprised of those intellectually and socially superior (Ray, 1993). In nearly every aspect of todays American political life and foreign policy we see Strauss theory of constant struggle and conflict being employed and carried out. The media has often decried the obvious combative, angry, and mean-spirited nature of Americas contemporary political discourse. FOX News, which is the propaganda and disinformation outlet for the Neo-Conservative movement, has, by design, ensured Strauss theory of conflict plays out in the American political life. It certainly isnt by accident that prominent Neo-Conservatives like Bill Kristol are often featured on FOXs programs (Ray, 1993). Furthermore, the only purpose for the network to employ the bellicose and outrageous OReilly, and venomous and angry Sean Hannity is to divide American against American and instill a degree of political nastiness never before witnessed. A quick trip around the AM Radio dial will make apparent an entire legion of Republican and Neo-Conservative propagandists doing their part to foment all-out political warfare in the United States. Finally, few propagandists are loved and cherished more deeply by the Neo-Cons than the hate-spewing and liberal demonizing Ann Coulter (Halper & Clarke, 2005). The
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Construction of gender and sexual identities Essay
Construction of gender and sexual identities - Essay Example It has aptly been observed that every culture of the world maintains some specific characteristics and traits, which distinguishes it with the rest of the cultural groups and communities at large prevailing within the same natural and physical phenomena. This distinction is generally dependent of several sub-cultures existing under one culture, which not only divide the individuals into factions and groups, but also provide them with identification on the basis of their likes and dislikes, and priorities and aversions as well. Consequently, the sub-cultures of society work in an active and effective way by not only uniting the like-minded people under one platform, but also helping them in respect of winning their rights and privileges particularly at the time when the majority of the population appears to be standing at the opposite side, censuring and condemning the minority group in one way or the other. It is especially the case with the homosexuals, which have established their specific sub-culture, and have invented and introduced particular terms and jargons in order to convey their messages to their community members on one hand, and conceal it from the members of outer groups on the other (Warren 1998). The present paper aims to concentrate upon the gender and sexual identities with reference to the homosexuals in order to get acquainted with their sub-culture and mode of communication while living in the societies, an imperative majority of which still regard same-sex relations as perversion and deviant behavior (Macionis 2007). Sexual identity and the terms related to it, according to Ponse (1978), are applied in quite a different way in gay and lesbian environment to the dominant mainstream social set up. In addition, there also exists a sub-culture within the gay environment, which could only be comprehended with by the members of homosexual community, as well as the individuals interested in the same. As a result, an imperative proportion of the m ajority population remains almost unaware of the terms to be applied in order to express some specific action, performance or identity in general. For instance, the term gay had frequently been applied in order to demonstrate the individuals carrying jolly and care-free disposition in past; though, the same adjective has become entirely confined to defining homosexual males and females, and the previous usage of the word focusing jovial people has ceased to exist in main culture and homosexual sub-culture as well (Sherwin 2006). However, some of the terms are exclusively applied to identify homosexuality. Unger & Crawford (1993) argue that the feminists have articulated various terms in order to make division between sex and gender, determining the biological characteristics, and social traits and qualities of the homosexuals respectively. For instance, the notion lesbian explains a female engaged in a homosexual relationship, though in past it was donated to the individuals belongi ng to the Greek island Lesbos (248). Similarly, the notion active simply describes a vigorous and energetic person, though in homosexual acts, the same defines the person playing dominant part in homosexual relationships by penetrating into the recipient or passive partner; the terms dominant and top also define the penetrating partner, while submissive and bottom signify the receiver respectively. Hence, Ponse (246-47) appears to be justified in her claim that the terms used by the majority of the population are applied interchangeably in gay culture, and hence display the meanings that are quite different to the actual application of the same in their nature and scope. On the contrary, the essentialists strictly confine sexual behavior on the basis of the biological characteristics of males and females. As a result, males and females should always play dominant and submissive roles as per the demand of their sex organs and biological traits.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sometimes a lie is better than the truth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sometimes a lie is better than the truth - Essay Example example, American troops in Pakistan earlier convince the Pak authorities that they will never undertake any mission inside Pak territory without the permission from the Pak authorities. However, they secretly conducted a mission and killed Osama Bin Laden. The Pak authorities came to know about this mission only after the mission. In this case, nobody can blame American troops for telling lies since the ultimate aim of this lie was to kill a terrorist and save the innocent people. Former American President George Bush convinced the world that Saddam or Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction. He has taken approval for conducting military strikes in Iraq from United Nations with the help of this lie. It should be noted that UN would never grand permission to attack Iraq, had they know the intentions of Bush prior to the attack. At present, it is crystal clear that President Bush was lying and his intention was to destroy Iraq and Saddam since Saddam humiliated his father Bush Sr. in an earlier encounter. The execution of Saddam created mixed response in the world. Some people criticized this execution whereas others, especially the Kurds, who suffered a lot from the hands of Saddam, welcomed the execution of Saddam. In other words, Kurds believe that Bushââ¬â¢s lie helped them in one way or another. Lies will be justified when the life is in danger. Imagine an American was caught by the Taliban. Nobody can blame the American if he tells some lies to escape from the hands of Taliban. ââ¬Å"Police officers adopt ruses when trying to catch criminals. Spies do it to serve their nations. Military forces do it to achieve victory on the battlefieldâ⬠(Akin). In these cases, telling lies help people in one way or another. It should be noted that it is the duty of the police officers to catch criminals and to protect the life of innocent people. In order to save the life of many innocent people, police officers may tell some lies to catch the criminals which are justified.
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